Chapter 1: Return from Internships

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3rd POV (Class 1-A):

Izuku was walking towards UA since today would be the first day back after the internships. The internship was strange in light terms. 


Lida attempted to go after the Hero Killer in Hosu and I had warned Gran Tornio about the possibility of him doing this. As such, since I already had some control of One For All (OFA), he decided that we would spend the internship stalking Lida and his mentor in Hosu to ensure that he didn't get himself killed. We couldn't really warn other heroes about what he was going to do since Izuku had no proof. While they were in Hosu, Nomu's appeared and started to destroy the city. As such, Izuku was sent to follow Lida to ensure his life while Gran Tornio helped in the city.

The Hero Killer approved of the hero known as 'Deku' since he came and only wanted to save the other people first and was meddling in other people's business like All Might told him to. As such, Izuku was able to defeat Stain and save everyone (No Shoto this time since Izuku had very better control of OFA). Lida got in trouble with the police but was let off with a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again. Izuku's involvement was covered up even though he had permission, this is due to his age and any villains that may target him due to taking Stain down. As such, Gran Tornio was given credit since the wounds can be credited to him.

-- Flashback end-- 

Izuku arrived at UA and was walking through the Halls. However, he felt off once he got into UA due to the fact that people were looking in his direction far more than normal and looked away when he looked in their direction. He first thought it was about stain, but that was covered up. Soon Izuku would learn the truth on why everyone was looking at him and it wasn't for a good reason.

Izuku POV:

Why is everyone looking at me today? They shouldn't know about the stain capture unless Lida talked about it. When I arrived at the class, I entered and saw that everyone was staring at me for some reason. Then it happened, everyone started accusing me of being a bully for some unknown reason.

Uraraka: Deku why the hell did you bully quirkless kids when you were in middle school? Was all this personality of yours a lie? 

Kirishima: Not manly dude, not manly at all!

Ashido: I hate people like you who bully others just because they are different!

While this is going on, I am having an internal crisis inside since I have no idea what they are talking about. For the love of God, I was quirkless before OFA so why would I bully another quirkless kid who could have been my friend! Then I saw it, I looked over and saw the smirk on Katsuki 'Kacchan' Bakugo face. I knew he hated me all these years and the fact that I got into UA with him, but I didn't think he would lie about this when HE WAS THE ONE THAT BULLIED ME!

Almost everyone in the class was yelling at me besides a few like Koda and Shinso. They looked confused about what everyone was talking about since those two knew I was a late bloomer since I've told them about that.


Nezu: Could Izuku Midoriya please come to the staff room, I repeat Izuku Midoriya to the staff room.

Well crude, looks like the rumors have reached the teachers. At least All Might will be on my side since he knows I was born quirkless!

3rd POV (Staff Room):

Izuku arrived at the staff room where All Might, Nezu, Aizawa were waiting for him with the police Detective Tsukauchi. The fact that the Detective was there for this meeting concerned Izuku but also relieved him since the Detective could prove the rumors false. 

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