Chapter 13: Provisional Hero License Exam

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3rd POV:

Izuku and the Vanguard have been training constantly during the weekend and week until they decided to take a break starting Thursday to relax their bodies for their exam on Friday. They decided to spend most of Thursday just relaxing around the house after school and not doing anything that could harm them since they didn't want to risk their chances. They also decided to go and enjoy the spa in the house to help relax their bodies and then did stretches for their bodies before going to sleep to get up early and ready for their exam Friday. 

--Day of Exam (Friday)--

Izuku woke up first and started to call for Lucas and Alex to wake up as well. They all got up and started their morning routine of taking a shower, changing clothes, exchanging good morning kisses, and then headed down to eat breakfast. Unlike normal, the entire Vanguard went to the main house kitchen instead of the Vanguard's kitchen since Inko offered to cook today for their exam. Izuku's parents wished them all luck as they finished eating breakfast and started to head out to the school to meet the Principal Victor wanted them all to show up half an hour early to school so that they could be transported to the exam site. Soon they arrived and saw that the Principal was standing outside with a large bus next to him. "Welcome Vanguard. Please get on the bus so we can head to the exam site. It is half an hour trip and the exam is in 1 hour." stated Victor. Everyone got on the bus and relaxed while Victor talked about some of the information they needed to know. There was going to be a written exam of basic hero laws that they have learned in the class as well as some other things. Then after that is the physical portion of the exam. Due to the fact that Vanguard will be planning to register as a team-based hero agency in the future. The commission requested that they undergo two exams an individual exam and a team-based exam. This will allow Vanguard to cut some of the red tapes in the future for their hero agency if they pass the team-based exam now since team-based hero agencies have to take an exam to register instead of an individual agency with multiple pro's. It is to show that the team can indeed work together and that the government can trust their teamwork. It would have them registered already for the future when they get their full exam done and allow the government to start calling on them as a team now instead of later down the run. 

Soon they all arrived at the exam sight which was a giant stadium with multiple different scenarios built into it. This would allow them to perform tests in multiple areas and have a baseline for them to rebuild off of later when they need to reset for a new exam.

 This would allow them to perform tests in multiple areas and have a baseline for them to rebuild off of later when they need to reset for a new exam

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The American Provisional Hero License Exam was one of the strictest exams in the world. This was due to how many exams happen across America on each exam day. Only 5% of people taking the exam can pass and there were 2,000 people taking the exam the same day the Vanguard was which meant only 100 people could pass the exam in full. Victor escorted the Vanguard to the written exam site and told them to check in with the exam officials. 

Izuku walked up to the table with his team behind him. "Hello, we are here to check in from A-UA for the provisional exam. Hero's name is Paragon," stated Izuku. The official looked up in shock since he has heard about Paragon and his Vanguard who defeated the #3 villain of America. The official started the paperwork and instructed them where to go. The entire Vanguard took their seats and waited for the written exam to start. Soon all 2,000 exam takers had found their spots and were told to start the exam. They only had 1 hour to do 100 questions. Once the time was over those who failed would be kicked out and sent home. 

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