Chapter 10: HEARTS Agency & Villians

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3rd POV:

The Vanguard had just finished lunch and they noticed that during lunch, no one sat even half a tab close to the group. It seems that the group has gained some sort of celebrity status in the school due to the tournament. Izuku made sure to warn everyone that they should let this get to the group's head because if they let their egos get big then it means that they could end up screwing up on the field and costing their own life or someones else's. Izuku said he didn't want to lose any of his friends due to ego and gave everyone puppy dog eyes which caused everyone to hug him. "Dam, I have this group whipped." giggled Izuku. Which caused the group to just laugh and make some jokes that the real whipped people were Lucas and Alex which they just outright said yes to and that they were proud of it. The Vanguard had arrived back to the classroom and went about the rest of their day. 

The last class of the day was rescheduled to talk about the internships and Hero names. However, the vanguard was dismissed after everyone did their hero names since they already selected an Internship. They were told to go home and start packing since they would need to leave early the next day to travel 6 hours by plane to arrive at the HEARTS agency secondary agency which was in another state. The team they were going to be interning with has a mission that started in the next state over. As such, the Vanguard had to go there to join that team on the field. HEARTS agency deemed them powerful enough individually to be on the field and the agency decided to give them permission to use their quirks in defense of others.  As such, the vanguard team will be going straight into battle to learn under the protection of the HEARTS main battle team.

-- Timeskip to arriving on site --

3rd pov:

The Vanguard was already wearing their outfits (See CHP: 4 for outfits) as they arrived at the HEARTS mission building. They entered and talked to the office lady about who they were and who they were looking for. The vanguard at this point is still unaware of the plans that the A-UA school and HEARTS agency has in the works about speeding up their education. This internship has become a test for them without them even knowing it. Though what neither the HEARTS agency nor any hero knew was that the Vanguard would have a run-in with one of America's most powerful villains on the loose where they would have to fight for their lives without backup. 

Vanguard moved upstairs to a meeting room as directed by the front desk worker and waited for the main HEARTS battle team to show up. They didn't have to wait long when the #8 hero Tear walked in with his team. "Hello everyone, It's nice to see Vanguard again when we're not trying to beat the shit out of each other," stated Tear.  Tear and his team each took a member of the Vanguard to a separate room to train in for a few hours. After the training, they all met up again in the meeting room where Tear's team went over the mission they were on and who they are hunting down. It was a local gang that has been selling trigger off but has been giving the pro heroes here a run since they keep slipping away. Tear team specializes in hunting down gangs and larger groups so they got called in. Vanguard will be assigned to take a point and push in from the back of the gang base. HEARTS see no major threat that could threaten Vanguard as such Vanguard was allowed to act as full heroes since this was a small-time gang that couldn't threaten them. They wanted Vanguard to gain real battle experience and a small-time gang with an experience hero team to help was perfect training. However, things don't always go as planned. As such, Vanguard would learn valuable lessons through a deadly trial. 

-- Time Skip -- Attack on Gang --

Izuku POV:

"Remember guys. Even though this is a small-time gang, don't underestimate them! That's why the third years and others lost to us in the tournament we overpowered them and they underestimated us. Don't make that mistake. Treat all villains like they pose a threat to yourself and others until the mission is done and everyone is secured." I stated over the earpieces my team has. "Once we receive the sign to move you know where to go. If you run into any problems you cannot handle then call for back-up." I said as I looked everyone in the eyes. Soon we were given the green light and we all split off into pairs and started to make our way through the base. We were not receiving much resistance from the gang members and soon arrived at the meetup point. We left the villains where we defeated them after placing quirk-canceling cuffs on them like we were told to do. 

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