Chapter 24: End of Semester & The UN Hero Exam

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3rd POV:

The tournament came to an end and All Might returned to Japan with a lot to think about. How to announce his retirement, where to do it at, and if they would reveal his skinny form. These questions would be hard for All Might to think about but need to happen. At least he would have Nezu, Gran Torino, and the detective to help him plan for it all.

-- Time Skip 3 Weeks before the end of the semester --

Izuku POV:

The Vanguard and I have been working hard. We've been training non-stop and studying every day. However, our time is at its end since the hero exam is next week and then 2 weeks later will be the third-year knowledge exams that will determine if we can graduate on time. We've been told that we will not know our results from the hero exam since the UN will be reviewing every second of it and sending it to different people for grading of each category in their grading system which is newly created since this is the first exam the UN has taken over. That made us a bit nervous but we will push forward. 

Everyone focused a bit more on doing physical training since we have run out of ideas currently with our quirks. We plan to revisit that when we have more time to focuses on it and not be crunched for time. As such, everyone used my gravity field for training instead of the gravity chamber that A-UA created based on my quirk. We slowly worked our way up to an X5 gravity field that I can put out with my quirk. The school's medical staff warned against training in X8 gravity anytime soon since not even I can currently withstand it without negating the effects on myself. As such, we are limited to x5 where we have some difficulty which grants us the best results.

This resulted in a basic increase in everyone's muscle density and increased our basic agility, speed, and strength. I however was able to push my quirk control of OFA from 75% to 90%. Though 90% is my current limit, I am able to use 100% of OFA! However, currently, it greatly hurts my body and I can only use it for 5 minutes max before the great amount of pain turns to bone fractures and then bone breaks. All Might has warned me not to use 100% in battle unless it's a death fight but agreed that having 100% even for only 5 minutes in a death fight would make a huge impact. He wants me to gain more muscle mass before trying to use 100% of OFA at all before we consider me having mastered OFA.

3rd POV:

Though the hero exam is next week, the Vanguard team has decided to lower the amount of physical training since not much can change between now and the exam which is in a week. As such, we decided to spend the time we would have been training to do more patrols. Crime rates on our patrol routes have dropped by 30% overall in most areas which have lead to civilians feeling safer to exit their homes and an increase in other heroes doing patrols in these areas. As such, we've requested our patrol routes to be changed to higher crime rate areas again which the HEARTS agency and government were happy to meet since they have seen the effect of us doing this. We would enter the high crime areas and clean the streets up which has lead to lower crime rates and an increase in hero patrols from local heroes which kept the crime rates down in our past areas.

In addition to more patrols, we have invested a bit of time into our social media page which has gotten nearly 300 Million followers which aren't just Americans. We've started to pick up steam in other countries that we haven't visited due to America promoting the Hero of Hope: The Paragon & his Vanguard (Dragon, Phoenix, Dove, Storm, and Azrael). It also helped that the UN officials have been talking about us which caused other country leaders to look into us. Overall, we are expected to take all the top 6 spots in the next ranking chart which was pushed back to 2 week after our hero exam. 

Soon the patrols passed the time and the day of the Hero exam was on us. The UN representative told us that the exam would be held at our school since they would be taking control of one of the city training grounds. We were told to head to our homeroom 2-V and get ready to take the written hero exam which was going to be proctored by UN staff members to ensure no bias happens. It took us about 2 hours to finish the written exam and then we were given an hour break to eat and prepare ourselves for the physical portion of the exam. This exam would not be the standard one that other heroes take. The words that the UN representative told us was "You said to make it harder, as such it will be harder. If you pass then no one can say you didn't earn your full hero license unfairly." stated the UN representative. We were wondering what they did to make the exam harder since the standard exam is a marathon (around 26 miles) followed by a rescue and fighting villain test.

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