Chapter 30: J-UA goes to America & Breaking News

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Izuku POV: 

-- 1month ago --

It has been about a month or so since all the missions that Vanguard has done internationally. We have set up a shared office with All Might's agency Mighty Tower and are using Japan as a staging ground for patrols in the Asian area. We have also set up a shared office with the #1 hero in France to be the staging ground for any patrols to missions in the European area while we have our actual agency in America. We have also hired the teleporter hero on staff full time since we use him far more than the HEARTS agency does. As such, they released the Teleporter hero from his contract and allowed us to hire him. As it currently stands, the Vanguard agency has the vanguard team, 5 other pro heroes, and 3 side kicks for those pro heroes on staff with the normal office staff as well. The heroes and sidekicks that we have on the payroll are responsible for all the cities around the agency while we deal with everywhere else with the teleporter hero teleporting us constantly. Vanguard splits up into groups of three and patrols different areas or countries depending on reports of crime rates and villain activities. Vanguard has become famous for our unique pattern of patrolling different counties all at the same time.

As the day came to an end and everyone on the team reported back to the agency, I received a call from All Might. "Hello, All Might. How are you doing?" I asked him. "I'm good my boy. I'm calling about the announcement. Remember, the announcement is in about 1 and a half months from now. Also, Nezu wanted to clear something with you before he does it." All Might said. All Might then explained how Nezu wanted to bring Class 2-A and 2-B to America and have them attend the school for the last few weeks of the semester and a bit during summer break classes that the school has started. This meant that the classes would be there during the announcement. "So they would be present for the announcement, which means they have a good chance of causing a show if they figure out who I am?" I asked a bit annoyed. "No, they would be required to stay at the hotel during that time and yes I said HOTEL. We would never ask you to have them stay at your parent's home. However, Nezu, Gran Torino, and I were wondering if we could stay there? Aizawa and Vlad King would be required to stay at the hotel to watch the students at night." All Might stated. The vanguard and I was a bit happier with this since we could avoid them the day of the announcement. "I knew I can't avoid them forever and it's about time we have a run in. But as long as they are not at the announcement I am fine with it. Just clear it with Principal Victor. I'll let my parents known you will be staying for several weeks at the main house. She will enjoy talking to Nezu again about the different teas. We've bought some for her on the recent international missions and she wants to talk to him about it." I stated. I could hear Nezu laugh in the background and yell he was looking forward to it. "Also, tell Aizawa and Vlad King that they can enjoy the main house whenever they don't need to be watching the classes. I won't leave them out of the relaxation you all will be enjoying." I told All Might. Soon the phone call came to an end after we talked a bit more about the details of the day.

-- Time Skip to the day of J-UA trip --

All Might POV:

Everyone was gathering in the auditorium of J-UA and waiting for the bus to take the classes to the Airport while Nezu has hired a private car for us other people. Nezu took center stage and called for everyone to look at him. "Listen up, we will be leaving soon. Class 2-A & 2-B you will stay at a hotel near the school with your homeroom teachers. During this entire trip, you better behave because if you cause any problem you risk you being expelled. I will not allow you to act out on this trip. You all will be going into your third-year next semester and you need to act like actual heroes. Do I make myself clear?" Nezu said. Everyone agreed and soon the buses arrived. Nezu, All Might, and Gran Torino went to their private car and went to All Might's private plane. Soon everyone was in the air within the hour. 

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