Chapter 15: Fall of the Symbol?

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3rd POV: (Thursday Night after kidnapping)

Everyone in Japan was tense. It felt like you could take a knife and cut the tension like a cake. The news about the J-UA Camp being attacked came out. The news was unsettling, 1 student kidnapped while a handful of students were injured. Somehow the news got hold of the fact that the student that got kidnapped caused his own kidnapping by not staying where he was already safe which caused his friends to follow him to danger since they didn't want to leave him alone. This fact shifted some of the blame off of UA since the teachers had to deal with uncooperative students while defending them. Though the public still held some blame for the school, they not blaming them as badly as they could.

"Well, we survived somewhat in the media because Bakugo caused his own kidnapping by rushing the villains when he was already safe. Though we did get hit a bit because we still failed to stop any attack on our students again!" stated Principal Nezu This got some agreements out of the staff before they started to shift to the next topic.

The heroes talked about how one of the students was able to place a tracking device on one of the nomu that attacked the camp. As such, they had a location of where the nomu was currently at. They also received news from the police that they have spotted some individuals going in and out of a bar that looked like the villains from the camp. As such, they now had two locations to raid. They had planned a press conference which they would use to get everyone's attention as the attack forces launch an assault on the two locations. Soon everyone was dismissed but Nezu had All Might stay behind.

"All Might, you are currently sitting at a 2-hour limit correct? Do you think you will have any time left if you have to face All for One?" asked Nezu. All Might paused. "I don't know. After the USJ, I went from 3 hours down to 2 hours. The only reason I didn't go down more is that Izuku helped me punch the nomu and I could conserve some strength in that fight." All Might said. "All Might, I know you won't want to hear this, but call Izuku. Say what you need to say to him because you risk not walking away tomorrow. I know that sounds cold but we need to face the facts. Would you rather him watch you die on TV without getting to talk to you one last time or would you rather talk to him one more time and then know you can walk out knowing you said all you needed to say to him?" asked Nezu in a solemn tone. All Might couldn't really disagree. He wished he could have talked to his master in full before her final fight. All Might told Nezu he would go do it right now and then exited the office.

All Might pov:

Izuku should be waking up roughly now to start his day. He likely hasn't seen the news due to the time difference. 

AM = All Might I = Izuku

I: "Hello All Might. How are you doing?"

AM: "It could be better my boy. I take it you haven't seen the news."

I: "No? What's wrong?"

AM: "There was an attack by the LOV on the training camp UA took the students to. As such, due to some idiot students' actions, Bakugo got himself captured because he was a hot head and left the safety of the building to fight villains... As such, we will be raiding several locations tomorrow during a press conference. Izuku... This might be it."

Izuku POV:

I just froze. The Vanguard and my parents became worried when I asked what was wrong but got really worried when I froze. What does All Might mean this might be it?

I: "What do you mean this might be it? You sound like this is going be the last time we talk?"

AM: "I'm sorry because it might be. All for One is the one behind the LOV. As such, I will likely fight my final fight my boy. I always had a regret that I couldn't say what I wanted to my master before her facedown with him. I refuse to go in this battle without talking to you one more time."

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