Chapter 3: First day of American UA & New friends?

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3rd POV:

Izuku arrived home from the mall and was questioned by his family on why he took so long. Izuku explained how he got help from two girls on his shopping trip which turned into a mess at the end when he dealt with a group of thugs and had to listen to the police explain the differences in quirk laws between Japan and America since they found out he was new to the country. He also explained that he ran into several guys on his way out and had to apologize before he ran off to come home.

All Might found the situation funny. "Leave it to my boy to go on a shipping trip and run into criminals. You really are a problem child like Aizawa said, aren't you? AHAHAH" said All Might. Izuku didn't find this funny since he wanted a fresh start from being involved in villain's battles non-stop like in Japan due to the USJ and Stain Incident. All Might did inform Izuku that all the paperwork for his enrollment in the school is completed and his new hero costume will be completed before he starts school. (Izuku decided to change his hero outfit at the request of his father since he was getting a new start.) After eating dinner with the entire family, Izuku decided to go take a shower. This is where he will find some of the changes to his body that he didn't notice until now. He found two marks, one a black dragon on his left bicep and a red phoenix on his right bicep. This caused Izuku to freak out which alerted his family about something being wrong.

"My boy is something wro---" "Son is something the matt----" "sweetie what happ----" All Might/Hisashi/Inko paused as they saw Izuku arms. "My boy... when did you get those?" All Might asked Izuku since both other parents are currently still frozen. "I didn't! I don't know where these came from since I didn't have them before I left for the mall! Is it possible it has something to do with OFA All Might!?" Izuku was freaking out as he said this. The others became unfrozen at this point and were wondering the same thing. "I'm afraid it isn't. Though not everything is known about OFA, none of the previous wielders passed on anything that referenced this. We know All for One created OFA, and previous users pass an echo of themselves as vestiges and increase the power of OFA. Nothing like this was mentioned." All Might was dumbfounded due to the marks. 

The family spent several hours that night trying to figure anything out regarding the marks, but they couldn't figure them it. It was a mark of a dragon and a Phoenix and didn't have anything to do with OFA as far as they know. They assumed that the men that Izuku knocked over quirks went off and gave Izuku some new body ink without either party realizing it. As such, unless something changes they decided to leave it alone. 

-- Time Skip day of the new school (1 Day left before All Might left--

It was decided that All Might would take Izuku to school in his skinny form since he is registered as a guardian for Izuku. They didn't want the fact that Izuku was Hisashi's son to get out to the general public for now and decided to wait as long as they can before revealing this fact since Izuku would be targeted by any criminals after his father. All Might and Izuku headed to the school so Izuku could meet the principal (who does know about All Might skinny form, All Might have connections to this school due to his time in America) and get his school schedule and meet the person responsible for showing him around the school. 

-- Principal Office --

As Izuku and All Might arrived, some students looked at them funny since it was in the middle of a term and he was transferring in. However, they all decided to leave it alone and went to class. Izuku and All Might knocked on the door to the Principal's office and were called in. "Hello, Yagi and you must be Izuku. Welcome to the UA of America. We pride ourselves on the fact that we are the #1 hero school of America and also the world. Welcome to UA!" said Principal Victor

 Welcome to UA!" said Principal Victor

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