Chapter 20: Shie Hassaikai Raid

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*Note* Vanguard is assigned the mission and arrives AFTER Lemillion meets Eri the first time. He still doesn't grab her this time and this leads to the raid being planned. Vanguard arrived on the day that the heroes were having the intelligence meeting. As such, the raid will happen on Wednesday according to the search warrant that Sir Nighteye obtained. 

3rd POV:

The Vanguard was waiting in the boy's hotel room relaxing. They saw Eraserhead at the meeting and knew he was informed by All Might and Nezu about their mission. They also saw the surprise on his face when they accepted Sir Nighteye's rejection of them joining the case. He did not know about them being on a mission from the UN and only about them being sent to join because of a request for heroes from the government. Soon they heard knocking at their door. It was about 2 hours after they left the meeting. Lucas went over to the door and checked who it was. It was indeed Eraserhead but he also brought All Might, Nezu, and Gran Torino with him.

"Hello, you four," Izuku said. They greeted him back. They asked what happened at the meeting since Eraser told them that Vanguard was rejected from joining the team. Izuku explained everything and the fact that Sir Nighteye didn't know about the government request. Izuku also explained that it didn't matter since they were here for their own mission from the UN. This shocked Eraserhead and Gran Torino since they weren't told beforehand but the others knew. Izuku told them the plan that Vanguard would station themselves near the raid and wait for a chance to grab the drugs and the girl. He also informed them and confirmed with them the fact that Eri will be living at UA after the raid due to Eraserhead being there. 

"Gran Tornio, can you or Eraserhead send us text messages to keep us up to date on the mission from your end? This way we don't miss anything and know everything we need to know about the mission from your side. We are expecting to have some bruised feathers at the end of this mission because we will be overstepping them on the girl and the drugs without them knowing about it." Izuku told them. Though they knew about the UN involvement they didn't know why the UN was involved and Izuku told them not to ask and that they would be told by the UN if they needed to know. Soon the conversation devolved into random things before the teachers left to return to UA for the night.

Izuku pov:

I remember promising Kota about visiting him if I ever was in Japan. I called him up and he soon answered. "Hello, Kota," I said. "Paragon!" he yelled. I could hear his aunt in the background with the rest of the Wild Wild Pussycats. "Kota, I just wanted to let you know that my team and I are in Musutafu for the rest of the week because of a mission. I don't think the mission will require us to do anything today so if you are in the area I can send you the location." I told him and then he asked his Aunt if they could stop by since they would be driving through there anyway. I could hear the aunt take the phone away and start talking to me. We talk a bit and I gave her the address of the hotel. She told me they would arrive in about an hour. Soon that hour passed and Kota had arrived with the entire hero team. "Hey, Kota how are you?" I asked him. He said he was fine and wanted to know more about me and the team. We talked about the patrols we do and the recent unofficial ranking my team and I have had. Kota was surprised at this. 

At one point I took Kota back up to my room and we got into the pool and played around since Kota's family had just gone shopping so he had spare clothing to change into or else we wouldn't have been able to. Soon Kota Aunt and the others with my team came up to my hotel room and saw me and Kota playing in the pool. My lovers just smiled at me since we don't get much downtime outside the house. I enjoy the time I spend talking to and communicating with Kota. Since the first time I talked to him, Kota and I have been having regular phone calls every two days to check up on each other. I wonder if this is what it's like to have a kid a bit? I know one day I will bear children for Lucas and Alex but it has always been put off in the back of my head. Kota and I decided to get out of the pool and clean up. Everyone joined us for a meal and relaxed a bit. Soon it was time for Kota and the WWP team to leave. We all said our goodbyes.

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