Chapter 9: Family teasing & School

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*Note* Please let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments. I have a general storyline in mind currently but am always changing things on the fly. Just from the cannon divergence page, you can tell I have a general idea of where I am aiming. 

Izuku POV:

I was dreaming that I had dressed up as a bunny and presented myself as a reward to Lucas and Alex for their performance at the tournament. Then I was shaken awake by Lucas and Alex. I groaned out because for some reason my body was sore. "Why am I so sore!?" I groaned. Lucas and Alex just giggled a bit and told me that last night wasn't a dream. This caused me to shot up which sent pain throughout my body. I stared down at my body and could see that I was still naked but cleaned up so that meant that they pampered me in a half-asleep state last night which made me so happy that they did all that. I saw that I had a lot of marks on my body which caused me to blush. "So I'm assuming you guys enjoyed last night?" I asked shyly. They both just moved up to me while they were still naked from last night and pulled me into a hug and whispered into my ear "Of course we loved our present little sun. No matter what you want us to do or what you want us to do to you, we will always love you." God, I just fell in love with them again! Lucas got up and started to get our clothes out of the closet and I could see his back completely marked up from my nails which caused me to blush. I also noticed Alex had similar marks on his back. They got dressed first before they came and help me get dressed since I was still sore. Lucas decided to carry me to go get breakfast in the main house while Alex followed next to us with his hand in my hair.

3rd POV:

What non of the boys realized is that the girls had arrived a bit earlier than planned that morning and were already waiting in the private family living room for them since Inko wouldn't allow them to go to Izuku's detached living area for some reason. (They would soon find out why.🥰) As the girls were talking in the private family room while Inko was cooking breakfast they could hear the three boys talking and getting closer. What they saw shocked them. Even though the boys were fully dressed, it didn't hide the visible marks on the open skin areas which caused the girls to burst out laughing at the boys because they knew exactly what happened last night based on all the dam marks that covered Izuku body and the few marks they could see uncovered on Lucas and Alex.

"So I take it you guys had fun last night?" Asked Skylar. While the other girls were still laughing. This caused all three boys to freeze up in shock since they didn't expect the girls to be there already. "W-well... Um... Izuku gave us a bunny last night?" stammered out Lucas without realizing what he admitted to. This caused everyone to freeze up in shock and give Lucas a look asking him what the hell he meant by... oh everyone came to the answer quickly and the girls burst out laughing while Inko who had walked in started screaming about future grandbabies causing the three boys to blush with Izuku trying to hide his face in Lucas's chest since he was being carried. Izuku's father and All Might who had entered a few moments before without being noticed either just gave deadpan looks on their face since they didn't need to know about Izuku's sexual activities. "I'm done in here. Inko, is breakfast ready yet because I think Hisashi and I are just done with the kids at this point." said All Might with a deadpan look still on his face. After everyone started to calm down, they all moved into the dining room to start eating breakfast. Izuku was placed between Lucas and Alex so they could help him since his body will be a bit sore for the day. 

"Well, as we can tell. The boys did enjoy themselves last night. Girls, did you do anything to celebrate the victories you had from the tournament? Also, I don't need to know any sexual celebration please." All Might said while purposely teasing the boys with his statement. The girls responded by talking about how their families got together and had a nice dinner since the girls will be moving into the Midoriya's house soon. Overall, the family and friends enjoyed their day and soon the kids just separated from the adults and went to the game room to enjoy their day. They had a few days off to enjoy before they started school again on Monday where they will be talking about internships. (Note A-UA internships happen closer to the end of the semester instead of the start of the school year like J-UA did. This is so students have a better chance with training to get a better internship. Those that failed to get into the hero course have a way to get small-time internships to get some training and attempt the hero course later at A-UA unlike J-UA.) As such, the kids just enjoyed their day before the day ended.

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