Chapter 12: Return from the Internship & Accelerated Learning?

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3rd POV:

After training for a bit longer the meeting was called. Everyone was told to get cleaned up and changed and meet in the meeting room in the next 30 minutes. After everyone was changed and cleaned up, the vanguard team met each other outside the changing rooms and waited for all of their members before heading up to the meeting. They arrived at the meeting room door and Izuku knocked on the door. They were called in by Robin who was sitting at the head of the table with Principal Victor at his left and Tear on his right. "Vanguard please take a seat. We have multiple matters to talk about before we release you to go back to school with Principal Victor." Robin stated. All of the Vanguard members took a seat with Izuku sitting at the other end of the table facing Robin. Lucas and Alex were sitting the closest to Izuku with the girls sitting spread out next to them. 

Robin then stood up and bowed his head a bit and apologized for his agency mistake which almost cost the Vanguard team their lives. "We cannot apologize enough for our error. Though you all are powerful individually as most top 30 Pro heroes we should have assigned a team of experienced heroes with you to take into account any external factors that could have and did present themselves in the mission. I am glad you all came out alive with only scars from this encounter." stated Robin. He then sat back down and started talking again. "As you have seen Paragon, the HEARTS agency did leak the news of your team's victory to help give your careers a boost in the future since you are only first-year students and were able to take down the #3 villain. Though it was luck at the end that saved you all, you still won. I know very well you have all learned lessons that were created through blood in that mission. Never forget them since they will help keep you alive in the future." said Robin with a solemn tone. Indeed, the Vanguard would never forget their first mission before they even had their provisional licenses since it was a near-death victory. 

"Second, we recovered the video feeds from underground and compared it with your statements. Everything checked out. The HEARTS agency will be providing copies of the mission files to Principal Victor. The school will help you all go over every single detail of the mission to help learn where you could have done better as individuals and as a team. This is to help you learn everything you can from this nightmare and come out far stronger." Robin said and then looked over to Victor who looked back and nodded his head. It seems like they had something far more important than the Reaper incident that they wanted to talk about with the Vanguards. "Paragon. You and your team were not informed of this but this mission was a test for you all." Robin said which shocked the entire Vanguard team. "Let me be clear. We had no idea Reaper was there. We indeed thought it was a small-time gang but we should have still had pro heroes with you. The test was to see your skills and teamwork in the field. If you had passed the test then the HEARTS agency would have offered you all a work-study the moment you received your provisional licenses. I do want to note that you did indeed pass with flying colors considering what happened. However, we must ask if you are all still comfortable with working with this agency with our error that nearly cost you your lives?" asked Robin. Izuku then looked at his lovers and friends and saw in their eyes determination. "Robin, We are still willing to work with the HEARTS agency. I ask just as the team leader that precautions are taken in the future for my team's safety until we have gained enough experience to be by ourselves. Until then we would like at least 1-2 Pro heroes to be with us who would take a hands-off approach unless something major comes up that they deemed it fit for them to jump in." Izuku said with a strict tone. Robin, Tear, and Victor were amazed at Paragon and his Vanguard team. It looked like they would not let the Reaper incident slow them down. This made them glad and easier for them to bring up the next topic. 

"As you wish Paragon." Robin agreed. "This brings us to our next topic. To start work-studies you must have a provisional license. As such, by a vote of the staff at A-UA with the recommendation of the HEARTS agency, it was decided that based on the results of the test during this mission that you would all be recommended to take the exam before this semester is finished. If you all pass the exam your team would be offered a work-study at this agency." Stated Robin. This shocked us all. We knew second years got their provisional license the first semester and could petition to take the full exam at the end of their second year if approved by the school but for us to get permission to take the provisional exam in our first semester is unheard of. We agreed to take the exam but it seemed like they still had one more thing to talk about. The next thing would be even more shocking.

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