Chapter 33: Attack on UA

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3rd POV:

"We meet once again All Might. This time I will end you like I've done to those before you." AFO said. Everyone was afraid for themselves but more afraid for All Might who is retired now. "All For One. I may be retired but I still have one final fight left in me! *Buffs up* Just as my predecessors did before me, I will stand my ground and fight you to my death." All Might said. Every one was begging him not to go out to fight because they believed he would die quickly but they saw him buffed up and had a bit of hope for the fight. However, the AFO army was large. The villains had brought Dabi, Toga, Twice, Spinner, Mr.  Compress, Magne, the Hood Noumu, Kurogiri, Dr. Garaki, and a hand full of random nomus from him. It was the entire league plus nearly 100 random villains from the streets. The person they feared right behind AFO was the large villain known as Gigantomachia that came with the league.

 The person they feared right behind AFO was the large villain known as Gigantomachia that came with the league

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All Might pov:

'I'm sorry Izuku... I'm so sorry that I won't be able to spend any more time with you my son because this is where I die.' I thought as I buffed up and challenged AFO. 'If I must die here today then I will save as many people that I can!' I thought and started to move forward. Suddenly, the villains in the back of the army started to scream. "oh... It seems that UNDEAD is here. I must hand it to Vanguard on picking them as a team to hire since they do have some skill. Far more than most of Japan's heroes." AFO said. Everyone looked to the back of the army and saw the UNDEAD team fighting through the villains. Talisman was trapping a sheer amount of villains with his sealing papers while Ossification was beating down a group of villains. Fanguard was biting people and drinking their blood to get a power boost. He used this power boost to throw villains and cover Talisman blind spots since Talisman could trap a large number of villains. Soon other heroes from UA and around the city started to join the fight. "How cute. You think you can win. League of Villains go get rid of the heroes." AFO said. Soon the entire city and school were involved in a large fight. Civilians were being taken out of the city and sent away by rescue heroes. News helicopters were in the air broadcasting the fight to the rest of Japan. 'Only if this broadcast went outside of Japan!' I thought.

Izuku pov:

"Hey, guys!? Wasn't the UNDEAD team meant to call us for a review meeting five minutes ago?" Izuku said to everyone else in the meeting room who were working on paperwork from the past two weeks of patrols and missions. Everyone agreed and found it odd because the UNDEAD team was always on top of things. Lucas attempted to call the team but didn't get an answer. I then decided to try and call All Might to see if he knew of anything since All Might has been helping the UNDEAD team out in some matters of management out of that office. However, I also couldn't get through to All Might's phone. "Guy's I can't get through All Might's phone either... something feels off that all of them don't answer and All Might would always answer me even when he is teaching a class," I said. Teleporter Hero walked in since he was going to be joining us for this meeting. At that point, I asked him to teleport to the UNDEAD office and see if there is any communication problems since no one answers us nor is All Might. He said he would go and then teleported. 

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