Chapter 11: Reactions to MIA & Hospital

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All Might POV:

I've been off all day today. I've had this feeling something was about to go bad since I woke up today. I've made it to lunchtime without anything happing so I've ignored the feeling. However, I would soon learn how that feeling was dead on. After finishing my notes for the hero class with 1-A later today I started to head to the staff room. I have really hated the fact that I have to teach Class 1-A since they are the ones that ruined my boy's chance here at UA and made him leave. However, something good did come out of that problem class since Izuku met his soulmates and found such loyal friends in America. Class 1-A since Izuku has left has been put through a lot of pressure since none of the other classes like them expect Koda and Shinso who didn't have a part in Class 1-A stupidity. The class also hasn't really improved that much, unlike class 1-b. Still, none of them compare to the A-UA students. 

As I entered the staff room I greeted everyone and Principal Nezu who were there. Suddenly I felt a chill go down my back and a pain in my heart. It felt like OFA reacted to something? Did something happen to Izuku? It seems that everyone noticed that I felt off since I stopped and grabbed my chest. "All Might, are you okay?" Asked Nezu and some staff. "I am fine. I just felt a pulse of pain in my heart for some reason." I said with a small smile. Then it happened... It felt like my world was crumbling. My cell phone started to ring with A PHONE CALL IS HERE. A PHONE CALL IS HERE. The problem with that is I have it set not to go off unless it's a few certain numbers that all deal with Izuku... I stopped and started to pull my phone out. Everyone watched me since they knew I kept my phone silent unless it was certain numbers.

I saw who was calling. It was Principal Victor. He must be just calling to give me an update about the increase in their education speed that's being planned. "Ah hello, Victor. I'm assuming your calling with an update about the plans?" I asked. Victor didn't respond for a few seconds and I called his name again which caught everyone's attention in the room. "All Might. I need you to sit down. I don't have good news." Victor suddenly said. My bad feeling returned in full!

"O-O-Okay. I'm sitting down Victor. What's wrong! What do you mean not goods news! What happened!?" I said while I moved to sit down while shaking badly. Everyone went tense at my words and Nezu started to get worried as well since he knows Victor is connected with Izuku.

"I have just been notified that Paragon and his Vanguard have all been reported MIA as of 5 minutes ago. I'm sorry. They did an Internship with the HEARTS agency and went on a mission that was raiding a small gang. They shouldn't have run into anyone that would have been a threat. All evidence shows they defeated all the gang members they ran into but never showed up at the meeting point or contacted the other heroes. They also haven't been responding. There is no evidence of a fight in the meetup point room either but all evidence shows that they should have made it to the room. As such, the HEARTS agency is declaring them all MIA. Search parties are being put together and HEARTS head hero Rain the #4 hero is going to work the MIA case. I'm sorry All Might." Victor said all in one go and I couldn't say anything since I was shocked. "Please... Please... updated me with any information.. Please FIND THEM!" I said and he said he would and hanged up. I sat there on the chair as my phone fell from my hands and I just slumped down with my head in my hands thinking that Izuku is missing now. I started to cry and I screamed out in pain as I just clutched my chest crying. 

Everyone started to ask what is wrong and all I could get out is that Izuku and his team are now MIA. This shocked them all. Soon it was time for classes to start again and Nezu excused me from teaching 1-A hero class since I might lash out at that class. All the teachers were worried about Izuku since they all liked him.  'Where are you, my boy?' I thought. 

Victor POV:

I just finished the call with All Might and now need to do all the parents. I get up and start doing the calls starting with Midoriya's since I've already told All Might and I don't need him telling them. 

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