Chapter 19: Vanguard's Patrols & Mission Request?

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Izuku POV:

It has been about two months since the Vanguard's Mafia mission. Everyone's individual skills have increased over the two months. We have been learning different fighting styles and techniques to incorporate with our quirks. For myself personally, I have also pushed my control of OFA from 55% to 60% as well. Outside of the physical and quirk training, the Vanguard has been keeping up with our studies as well. It has been a tough few months since the school has increased the speed we are learning at. We are now 3 full months ahead of schedule for graduation and this is on top of the Vanguard still doing missions and patrols for the HEARTS agency. The patrols have been spread out across several different states due to the teleporter hero who could allow us to travel quickly. This helped the Vanguard to become far more well known and gain experience in different environments from colder states to far hotter states. Overall, the HEARTS agency wanted the Vanguard to be a well-rounded team that could deal with any threat in any environment. We did have some unique patrols in some of the states. One example was we were stationed on a coastal state and we received an emergency alert about a very large villain that was attacking ships in the harbor. 

-- Flashback -- 

It was a bit difficult since the villain would keep going underwater since he could breathe in it. To counter this we had Dragon go full-size transformation and waited above the clouds. When Storm could feel the gigantic villain start to come up to the surface of the water to attack (She can control water so she can feel it move and stuff that is inside it.) we had Dragon dive down to twist himself around the villain and pull him in the air which was hard for Dragon to do because of the villain's size. The villain was about half the size of Dragon but bulkier which made him very heavy. Once Dragon had him out of the water for a few minutes we pulled him over to the beach by me doing an All-Mighty-Pull which pulled the large villain out from Dragon's body and onto the beach where we could all attack him. Storm had set up a circle of metal needles so she could start sending lighting at the villain whenever he got too close to the circle. (She couldn't do it in the water because people were still on the ships which would have hit them.) Dove and Azrael started to fly above the villain while sending attacks to keep him contained to the beach. This left Dragon and Phoenix who created a firewall around the villain to start drying him out which would cause him to have a heat-stroke or give up. To make the fight go quicker I would start attacking the villain via OFA kicks and punches as I would fly through the firewall and land attacks on the villain's body. Soon we tired the villain out to a point he had to shrink down because of energy consumption. At this point, I flew in fast and landed a 15% punch to the guy's stomach knocking him out.

-- Flashback  over -- 

The Vanguard also learned recently that the city that we saved from the Mafia had started a petition which grew quickly due to all the people we would interact with on patrols. The petition was to have me and the Vanguard included in the team and individual rankings system. However, the government and hero commission of America announced that the rules prevented this due to us not being full-fledged heroes. However, they found a way to still meet the petition request since the government was also supportive of me and the quickly rising Vanguard.

A government official came to the school and explained what they would be doing. The Vanguard wouldn't be able to take the position officially on the ranks but when the new results for the rankings came out, the Vanguard positions on the individual and team ranking boards would be shown to the public which would show where Paragon and his Vanguard would be standing at if they were full-fledged heroes. Vanguard would also be allowed to claim publicly their unofficial ranks by saying stuff like "If we had our full licenses, we would be at such and such rank."This would allow the rules to be maintained while meeting the requests of the citizens. Overall, this compromise was accepted by everyone that was calling for them to be ranked. 

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