Chapter 31: J-UA & A-UA Summer Break

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3rd POV:

A week has passed since the announcements and the world has been talking about it. Class 2-A & 2-B have been working harder ever since the announcement. They felt so behind the peers at A-UA and even further behind the Vanguard. They also found the gravity chamber and started to use it within the limits. The teachers from J-UA asked if there was a way to get a version back to Japan but the A-UA staff declined since it belonged to A-UA solely and also half of the patent rights belonged to Paragon because it was based on his quirk. Paragon already made an agreement with  A-UA that states that A-UA is the only hero school meant to have the technology. He didn't want it to fall into the wrong hands. As such, it would require approval from both him and A-UA to even start replicating a copy to give out. As such, they let the topic die to the disappointment of the students from J-UA. A-UA wasn't the #1 hero school in the world for no reason.

Everyone watched the news as Vanguard did several missions out of the country during the week and wondered if they would be able to get a training session with them. They were also wondering where Nezu, All Might, and Gran Torino were staying out if not the Hotel. J-UA teachers told them the truth that they were staying with the Paragon and his Vanguard at their home. 

Izuku pov:

The vanguard and I have been doing some missions across the world while J-UA is here. Today we decided to take a break since it was Friday and spend time with All Might and the others. "My boy! How are you!" Asked All Might. "I should be asking how you are instead All Might. You just did retire recently. Do you know if you plan to stay or return later next year?" I asked him. "I've decided to return next year. I'll finish out the final year and then be finished in Japan. I'll take the position at your agency and manage the office and help manage the operation planning since your network is just going to expand. As such, someone will need to devote their time to just managing the connections between the different agencies and heroes you set up across the world. I also know quite a few languages from my youth so it will help me do that." All Might said. "We decided to take a break and were thinking of going to campus in our outfits to do some training with A-UA. I'm hoping we avoid J-UA students but they shouldn't recognize me since it's been so long. I'm surprised Bakugo hasn't recognized my voice. Though my mask does change the voice a bit." I stated. The Vanguard wanted to see what shape the graduating third-years were in to see if there was any that we liked to hire for the agency or have them go to Japan to run out of the Mighty Tower. Vanguard wanted to get some foreign heroes to enter the Japanese hero society to set a higher standard of conduct and abilities. As such, they wanted to see the current state of third-years that would have their graduation ceremony in a week since the new semester would start soon and 2-A & 2-B classes would become the new 3-A & 3-B. We explained this to All Might, Nezu, and Gran Torino who agreed with our idea since it would help stabilize Japan with an influx of better heroes since A-UA had higher quality heroes that they were putting out since Vanguard had joined. 

-- Time Skip --

3rd POV:

The entire group arrived at the school and asked where the current graduating third-years were training since this is the typical time for them to be training. They were told that they were in the old Vanguard training ground since they are working on more damaging attacks today and decided to use the open field (From when Izuku blew the entire area away.) since nothing important would be destroyed. Soon the group made their way over to the old vanguard training grounds. They could see the third-years working. There were some decent fighters out on the field that could force the Vanguard to use about 20-30% of their powers while forcing Paragon to use 10-20% of OFA power if they team up against him. Most people by themselves could only force Paragon to use a max of 10% of OFA and this wasn't even considering the other quirks.

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