Chapter 35: Aftermath of the Titan's fight.

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3rd POV:

Everyone was stunned. Paragon had grabbed AFO and pushed them into the sky and then a large explosion happened that looked like it could have wiped the entire city away... Everyone didn't know what to do. They didn't know if Paragon lived or died. Then they saw something fall out of the sky and started to head towards the ground at a fast speed. "Paragon!" yelled all of the Vanguard as they all dashed off and used their quirks to get to him. In a few moments Dragon and Phoenix both arrived and caught him. They brought him down to the ground and found Paragon in a bad shape. 

All Might ran up to them with some help from other heroes. They brought Recovery Girl and Nezu with them. Even the students of the school came up and they noticed something. "Paragon is Izuku!?" stated Bakugo. "NOT THE TIME!" Nezu shouted. Recovery girl moved to check on Izuku and see if he was still alive. "HE STILL HAS A PULSE BUT ITS REALLY LOW." she shouted. Dove came running between everyone and shouted for them to get back. "MOVE NOW! I NEED TO START HEALING HIM." she shouted. Everyone took a step back and she dropped near him and started to heal him. 

Dove POV:

Shit! Shit! Shit! I don't have enough energy and his body doesn't have much to keep his healing abilities from the soulmate marks going. I need anyone to give me energy. "I NEED PEOPLE TO GIVE ME ENERGY. I CAN DRAIN IT MYSELF BUT I NEED ENERGY BECAUSE I WON'T HAVE ENOUGH." I shouted. I had people gather into a large group if they had the energy to spare. A lot of civilians gathered into the group with some heroes that looked less tired out. Some of the students joined as well. I cast the area of effect draining ability and started to heal Izuku. "Come on Izuku, you have a dam healing ability as well. We should be able to pull this the fuck off!" I yelled at him. Lucas and Alex were sitting next to each other with Izuku's head in their lap whispering in his ear for him to wake up. "His pulse is getting better. He will be ready soon to be transported to the recovery room inside the building. It's still stable and undamaged. Inside is where we can have more doctors working on him when they arrive. Though, we should keep your healing going as long as we have people to give energy to him. Your healing combined with his healing ability and some other quirks from the doctors that will be coming should allow him to pull through. The moment he is stable enough we need to move him inside t so we can work better." Recovery Girl stated. 

3rd POV:

-- Time Skip 5 hours --

3rd POV:

It was touch and go for a few hours but they were able to keep Dove's healing going which helped Izuku's energy return enough to kick start his healing abilities granted by the soulmate marks. These quirks combined with a few healing quirks from doctors that arrived that were sent by the UN were able to speed up the process to a point where Izuku stabilized. However, he was currently asleep. The doctors declared that he was in a quirk exhaustion coma and they expected him to be asleep for one week. This made people happy and sad because he should live but there is still the chance of him dying. Lucas and Alex refused to leave Izuku's side. While Dove, Azrael, and Storm went back outside to help other people recover and go through the destruction. Half of the city had buildings on fire or destroyed due to all the villains. Storm helped put fires out while Dove provided first aid to most people. Azrael help entertain children with her illusions.

Students of Class 3-A wanted to go see Izuku but they were banned by UA. UA warned them that Lucas and Alex could get violent if they appear near Izuku in his current state and only the Recovery Girl, All Might, and Nezu have been able to get close. Anyone else outside of the Vanguard and the stated staff would set the two boys off. One of the doctors from earlier in the day tried to go check Izuku and Alex snapped at the doctor for trying to enter the room. Lucas waned that only certain people could enter or else they would harm someone. They said they were protecting their mate and wouldn't allow more harm to come to Izuku. Class 3-A let it go and would try when Izuku woke up. 

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