Chapter 21: A-UA Cultural Festival & End of the semester

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3rd POV:

Izuku and the Vanguard arrived back in America over two weeks ago. Now the Vanguard was approaching the end of the year. Winter break was approaching which meant the Cultural festival was coming up but also the exams for the end of the semester were also coming up. The exams would be harder for them since they would be tested on second-year knowledge. The exam would cover everything a second-year should know and if the Vanguard passed it that meant we would start working on the last semester of classes next year since the assumptions of the Principal puts the Vanguard a full semester ahead of schedule which means the Vanguard had already started studying third-year school work and just need to pass the test that covers all the second-year stuff. If the Vanguard all passed then they would take their third-year knowledge exam at the end of the first semester next year. Though this does not take into account any long-term missions or accidents. 

Since only six of us are in our own homeroom the Vanguard had to decide for themselves what they wanted to do for the cultural festival. The girls suggested a Neko cafe shop with Izuku dressing up as a Neko which got shot down quickly by Lucas and Alex. They wouldn't allow anyone to see Izuku like that but themselves they said which made Izuku blush. They soon decided to dance show with Lucas, Alex, and Izuku dancing.

-- Time Skip 2 weeks--

Izuku POV:

The day the cultural festival arrived. It was hard for us to include the dance practice in addition to all of our training but we found creative ways to do it. We had a stage set up outside that wasn't too big or too small and by the time we had planned to go out and dance, there was already a decent crowd gathered around the stage. We could tell the three girls in our group was enjoying this because they were yelling for any girl to get over near the stage to enjoy a good show. Soon we came out walking in heels which confused the crowd for a second. Then this happened. (Skip to 1:20)

Soon our dance came to an end and we were able to go explore the rest of the event. I decided to go get changed into a different outfit and surprise my lovers. I came back dressed in this new outfit that I bought while back in Japan. I looked at my two lovers and could tell that had a blush on their faces even though they were trying to hide it. I just found it very cute of them.

We went around the different stalls and got food as we listened and watched different booths that had music or performances going on

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We went around the different stalls and got food as we listened and watched different booths that had music or performances going on. There was one booth that had one of those water guns and you had to shoot the fish to get the prize. The prize that I saw was a painting of Lucas, Alex, and me in our hero outfits. I wonder when someone had the time to paint that but I still kind of wanted it. Lucas and Alex noticed my attention and saw the painting as well and they couldn't deny that they didn't want it as well. As such, both of my lovers turned it into a competition to see who would get me the painting. Ironically they both tied and had enough points for it so we had gotten it either way. I had given them both a kiss on the lips and told them good job and thanks for the present. 

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