Chapter 23: Second-Year Tournament J-UA & A-UA

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All Might POV:

Winter break is over. Izuku and the Vanguard have returned to school for likely the last semester of their education. I was surprised to learn from Izuku that the Winter Break Incident turned out to be helpful for Izuku in getting a new quirk but also increasing his control of OFA to 75%. Most normal heroes and villains cannot even stand against Izuku at his 50% mark and now he is at 75%. Izuku's 80% should be about the same as my 100% of OFA which means that he needs to be far more careful in the angles of his hits or else he will cause a lot of weather-changing events. Just him throwing a punch in the air at 50% can cause mild rain to happen but when I or he enter past the 70% and higher is when we start affecting the weather far more with our punches. 

Anyway, the school here has started back up as well and the students are preparing for the upcoming sports festival. Last year, Izuku had come in 1st place (He had control of OFA to a point and wasn't breaking bones), while Todoroki came in second and Bakugo came in third (He still had to be chained because he refused to be beaten by a Deku.) However, this year Izuku isn't here and the class has not improved that much in their first year. A lot of the students had to retake the test for their provisional licenses which they all ended up pasting during the winter break retake the exam. As such, everyone in Class 2-A and 2-B now has their provisional licenses. Some of the students did work-studies last semester but not a lot of them. Some did a word-study that was connected to the Eri girl who has been living with UA since that day. Those students that were on the mission talked to the others about foreign first-year students that showed up and took the girl and bullets at the end even though they weren't on the mission. Bakugo just like always yelled that he could have destroyed those first-years. Bakugo and some of the students are still on thin ice with the school. The staff is hoping they improve this year.

-- Time Skip to J-UA Festival --

3rd POV:

We could see that the students were all lined up on the stage. The staff decided to have the top general education student give the speech this year since Bakugo somehow qualified for it and no one wanted to listen to him. Soon the events started and the first event was a king of the hill match. There was the typical race from start to finish but this year we had some new traps placed across the racing ground. This resulted in a lot of people being knocked out of the race and even a few from 2-A got knocked out of the race. 

Next was the capture the flag match. 42 students went in this round and only 12 would pass. This match took a interesting turn as there were no official teams. However, Class 2-B joined forces and kept hitting Class 2-A. Other students noticed this that were still left and joined in on teaming against 2-A. This kept going for 30 minutes until the match was called and it was shocking because of the 12 people that made it to the final round all of them but one was from 2-B! The only student from a different class was Shinso from 2-A. You could see the devastation on 2-A faces. The staff box in the stadium was silent as this was a bit shocking. We thought there would be more from 2-A but there wasn't. None of the quirk powerhouses made it to the next round either but instead, a student with a mental quirk did which just proved his strength and quirk abilities. 

"I told my class not to get complacent and what do they do? They got complacent!" stated Aizawa who was annoyed with his class. "They did indeed but none of that is your fault since we know this class went down the drain once Izuku left. He is what gave everyone the motivation and drives to go far past plus ultra and his leaving sucked all the plus ultra out of them." I said. "Indeed. I've been considering sending Class 2-A & B to America to have them attend the A-UA for a few weeks," stated Nezu. "NO! I will not agree with you sending his former classmates to annoy Izuku. Also, I doubt Victor and the A-UA staff would agree since some of them know what 2-A has done." I said. "Oh, Don't worry. I was considering it after Izuku graduates with his team. This way he wouldn't be stuck with them." Nezu said. This didn't really make me happy either but the staff and I agreed it could be talked about later in the year and wouldn't happen no matter what this semester at all. 

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