Chapter 28: International Missions

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3rd POV:

Soon after the Endeavor mission in Japan, the Vanguard returned to America and started to do standard patrols for several weeks across America. The crime rate in America was on the downward slide since Vanguard would spread their patrols across all different cities that had higher crime rates. The vanguard also hired several local heroes for the agency who they found were meeting the standard that they wanted for the agency. These heroes took care of the cities around the main agency so Vanguard could spend more time in other cities across America. Soon though, Vanguard agency announced their funding of criminal reformation projects and homeless shelters in over a dozen cities. The stated goal was to decrease crime rates that were driven by poverty in most of the cities and allow people to have access to resources to turn their life around. The funding for this came from the payments that they received from the government for capturing criminals and villains. Any money that was typically leftover from their agency was divided in a few ways. A small portion went into their personal savings, some went into emergency saving for the agency, and the remainder went into reformation projects like homeless shelters or criminal reformation programs. This was possible due to the family wealth and living at the Midoriya's home which cut down on living expenses. 

Several weeks passed and the Vanguard team was called by the UN hero commission for a tour of international missions. They stated that there were missions that would be better suited for a team such as Vanguard and would like to send Vanguard to go complete it. They didn't offer a timeline on completion since it would be based on our speed. The team accepted since it was a plan to gain international recognition in preparation for All Might's retirement. Paragon was already a name talked about on the international stage due to Endeavors trial where he was convicted of all the crimes that he was charged with. Rei Todoroki was also released and given all assets of Endeavor which included his agency which is currently being run by the other heroes.

The Vanguard started to pack for the trip and called the teleporter hero that they are contracting via the HEARTS agency to teleport them to these different countries. The first mission was located in France. The French are currently dealing with a villain that has been targeting heroes and killing them during night patrols. As such, our team was called in since we dealt with Reaper in the past who was a similar case.

 As such, our team was called in since we dealt with Reaper in the past who was a similar case

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It took Vanguard a few days to study the villain's MO and locate his next target area. The team had Azrael use her illusions on them and they spread out in the sky and looked across the few mile areas that they thought the killer would be in. It took about 1 hour before Dove called it in and we all moved to her location. The killer had attacked another hero when Dove found him. She saved the hero but was fighting the killer. Though the killer was a very good fighter, Dove soon overpowered him and ended the fight right as the entire team arrived. They detained the killer and Dove healed the hero before he could die. 

The next mission was located in Great Britain. The mission in Great Britain was a human trafficking ring that the local heroes kept losing the trail of. Every time the heroes on the case got close the villains would escape only a few days beforehand. They thought they had a mole but they cleared everyone via a memory searching quirk user that worked for the government. As such, a new team was called in and Vanguard was given the mission. It took vanguard 4 days to discover how the villain team was always slipping away since they did it even to them. The villains had a quirk user that could enter the dreams of other people and search for information. The villains however ran out of luck since the person they picked to use the quirk on next was Paragon. They were able to get into his dreams and start searching when OFA activated and the past users stopped the villain (Like how they helped against Shinso in canon). They alerted Paragon of what happened and he informed his team. Soon they were able to track the dream quirk user down by police database and via underground heroes that have heard of him. Soon Vanguard and some underground local heroes captured the quirk user when he was in the city and arrested him. They brought the memory search quirk user in and found the current base location and attacked it. Vanguard explained that Paragon's quirk can adapt in some cases as he has multiple quirk aspects now because of it. (Perfect lie to be honest would be an adaptable quirk in canon.) As such, Paragon's quirk adapted a bit which is how they figured out about the dream user. 

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