Chapter 5: Informing the family and love

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3rd POV:

After the cuddle session the three new lovers had, Izuku decided to drop a bomb on his two lovers. Lucas and Alex were responsible for telling his family about the marks and them entering a relationship. Lucas and Alex were not scared of many things but they were scared of what the midoriya family would say or do to them. They didn't want to lose their soul mate because his family rejected him and decided to have his father figure ALL MIGHT kill the two of them off. Izuku was just giggling at his new boyfriend's expressions since he could tell they were worried about his family. Izuku knew it was bad of him to find their current state funny, but he couldn't help himself. "Don't worry, I am highly doubtful that they will reject you. The only part you are going to have some negative feedback on is the part of the new body organ. Just be honest with your intentions and don't hide anything from my family and they should accept it." Izuku told his new boyfriends. This had to help Lucas and Alex calm down a bit. They suggested they should start heading back to the school building and get their things to go to Izuku's house so that they could talk to his family as soon as possible. The two boys didn't want to delay this at all because it could be seen as trying to hide this situation from Izuku's family. 

As Izuku and the two others were heading back to the buildings, Izuku pulled out his phone and called his mother to warn her that they would have guests coming. The family wanted to hide his connection to his father and the Spitfire company, but this was a meeting that needed to happen now.

Phone call:

I= Izuku

m= Mother (Inko)

M: Sweetie where are you? School ended roughly an hour ago. 

I: I know mom, I was with some friends that I have made here at the school. They are the people from the mall. I wanted to let you know I'm bringing two of them home with me. I need dad, you, and All Might to meet with them. We need to have an important conversation with the entire family and these two 'f-friends' of mine. (Izuku said the words friends a bit shyly which was picked up by Inko)

M: Okay dear, your father and All Might both had arrived just a few minutes ago. I'll let them know that we are having some guests over. Will they be staying for dinner tonight?

I: Yes, I believe they will be. The topic we will be talking about cannot wait and it's best that the entire family gets to know these two new friends of mine. I also need to talk to All Might about some things. *Whispers, warm him that he needs to be in his buff form since they don't know about his other side yet.*

M: 'I'm kind of shocked that Izuku bringing people home so quickly since we planned to hide his connections to his father and the company. The fact that he also told the friends about All Might being family is also shocking.' thought Inko. Okay dear, I'll make sure dinner is prepared for everyone. When do you think you will be here?

I: We will get home in the next 20 minutes. Love you mom.

End phone call

Lucas and Alex could hear parts of the phone conversation and knew that the entire family would be there. They were happy that Izuku wanted his entire family to meet them. As they arrived at the school building, they ran into the girls from the group and told them that the three of them would be going to meet Izuku's parents. Lucas and Alex did tell the girls that they did confirm that Izuku is indeed had the soulmate marks on him and that they had activated them. "Izuku, can we come to join you all at your house?" asked Skylar. Izuku tensed at this and everyone saw that. "Girls, I am going to have to say no to that today. Lucas and Alex are going to inform my family about the changes to my body and the fact that we three are in a relationship now. I don't think my family can handle more than this tonight. However, if everything goes well and my family doesn't react badly, you girls could come later this week or next week okay?" said Izuku. The girls found this acceptable since they agreed his parents are going to be dealing with a lot of new information about their son and two new boyfriends. As such, everyone split off from each other and the three boys started to head towards Izuku's home. Izuku's home was only a 15-minute walk away from the school and the two boys were stunned when they saw his home.

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