Chapter 16: Kamino Aftermath

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3rd POV:

News outlets were running footage of the battle between All for One and All Might. They talked about how the villain was able to fight a mostly even match against the symbol of peace but still lost. People were happy that All Might won but worried about his wounds. A press release from UA and Mighty Towers (All Might's agency) stated that All Might didn't leave the battle untouched. As such, All Might was planning to take a leave of absence for the remaining portion of the summer break so he could relax with friends in privacy. As such, they noted that people should not expect to see All Might for a while but also even after that they should expect a decrease in his hero patrols. It was also announced in the press release that All Might has decided to shift to teaching full-time instead of doing hero work and teaching. The statement said that All Might needs to put more time into teaching the next generation since he agreed to teach in the first place. As such, he would uphold his contract to UA and place the students above his hero work. This went well with the public since All Might didn't announce a retirement instead of a shift in his focuses. 

The students and parents were all asked to have the students start living on the campus of UA since they would be protected while en route to school since the other league of Villains members were still at large. The students that caused problems at the camp and those that went to save Bakugo were all reprimanded in private and warned that they were now on probation and that UA didn't trust any of them since they caused so many issues. They were now on thin ice with UA currently and warned the next step out of line when they don't have their provisional licenses would have them kicked out of the hero course. Some protested this but were silenced. Bakugo of course only complained slightly since he felt a bit of guilt that All Might got injured because he got himself kidnapped and had to be placed on short-term leave to recover. 

All of the student's families agreed to let them move into the dorms. The dorms were set to be finished by the end of the week and could have everyone start moving in. While all this was going down All Might was finally cleared to fly. As such, he jumped at the first chance to have his private jet fly him to America. He was told that Izuku had woken up and needed to talk to him. Izuku was informed that All Might would arrive in a few days and was willing to wait. Izuku recovered quite quickly is what All Might was informed of though Izuku did run a very high fever and had symptoms of severe quirk exhaustion which didn't make sense to everyone. Izuku told them all that he would explain when All Might arrived and that it was nothing to worry about since it wouldn't be a problem. This made everyone calm down.

-- Time Skip --

3rd pov:

All Might had arrived in America and was on his way to the house. The vanguard should be getting out of school soon. Though it was summer break for them as well, since they are trying to graduate early they have been taking classes with Principal Victor even during the breaks to ensure they stay on track or ahead of schedule. Currently, they were set at least 1 month ahead of schedule which allowed for any accidents to happen like when Izuku had to miss a day of learning when he collapsed during All Might's fight. 

All Might arrived and used his key to enter the home. "I'm home everyone!" He called out. He could hear some people start moving towards his section of the house. Everyone walked in and started to hug All Might. "I'm so glad you are alive!" said Izuku while hugging All Might. "I am as well son." replied All Might. They all talked a bit more about small matters as they headed over to the private family room to sit down and relax. All Might then brought up the topic he really wanted to know about. "My boy. What happened during my fight that caused you to collapse? Was it just emotions or was it something else because I was told you had OFA activate without you planning it?" All Might asked. At this point, Izuku started to tell the events that had happened and what he had found out after he blacked out. 

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