Chapter 14: J-UA POV Final Exams Time & Camp Nightmare

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-Note- This will be mostly from All Might POV. This will be taking us from when Izuku left to the final exams. It will have a lot of time skips because I'm not going to write every single detail. 

All Might pov:

I Just arrived back in Japan since Izuku is now attending A-UA. I'm glad he's found some support over there already. I just really don't want to teach class 1-A anymore. Even though I'm a hero and meant to put a lot of things aside I really wish Izuku had let us deal with Bakugo and the rest of the class that hurt him. Though I guess the staff and I can make their lives hell. 

Since I got back I decided to hold a saving the innocent class where they had to rush across the pipeline training grounds to rescue me and win. It was disappointing, to say the least. Bakugo was an idiot and used an explosion on one of the students burning them a bit. I gave him detention for that. He just yelled that he would be better than me and surpass me... Yea.. you might but Izuku will wipe the floor with you easily. Anyway, some of the other students seemed to have some motivation after Izuku left which is ironic since they all pushed him to leave. Shinso will be amazing in the underground and Koda in rescue operations but none of the other students seem to be doing any good in their respective fields they plan to go into. Todoroki seems to have lost a lot of motivation as well. He's been using his fire far less and less since the sports festival. I know Izuku helped him start using it and I think Izuku leaving has drained the desire to use it. He's back to being about 'his father's' power crap. Iida looks like he is going to have a brain malfunction. Izuku told me what happened in Hosu so I'm not surprised. Lida betrayed the guy that came and saved him... Everyone else is just looking lost and seems not to be improving much. That's a problem for Aizawa to deal with.

--time skip-- 

Some time has passed and I returned to Japan again after visiting Izuku to see him at the tournament. I have been thinking of returning to America to live with the Midorya's when I retired as they offered. However, that is a thought for later since I need to deal with class 1-A still. We've had a few more classes and the staff all have noticed the disappointment that Class 1-A has turned into while Class 1-B has been improving a bit better than normal. The staff all think it's because Izuku left and that they know the truth. It has become a big issue for Class 1-B to be better than 1-A because of that. You can see that class 1-B has been doing extra training in the gyms. But neither class can compare to Paragon and his Vanguard in my honest opinion. Also, for the most part, I don't bring Japan and the UA here up to Izuku anymore since I don't want him wasting his time on this school and former classmates. Izuku does contact Koda and Shinso every so often but there isn't much contact between them to consider them friends anymore. At best they would be mutual acquaintances based on the level of communication. Koda and Shinso did keep some of their determination and drive but it's not the same as when Izuku was here. The staff overall has become a lot stricter with 1-A since Izuku leaving. I wonder if anything will give 1-A a kick start because at their current rate they will become sub-par heroes and it won't be anyone's fault but their own.

Oh, did I mention to anyone that Mirai aka Sir Nighteye has called me to talk about finding me a successor for me? No? Opps because he has started to call me again about that issue. I just shut him down and told him I didn't need help. 

(Izuku had asked All Might about everyone who currently knew about OFA and only allowed Nezu, Recovery girl, and Gran Torino to learn about him getting OFA. The police detective would later learn after USJ though. As such, Sir Nighteye doesn't know about All Might passing OFA on and the others were told of Izuku's request and to respect it. As such, he never had a reason to watch the first-years sports festival because he was focused on Lemillion instead. All Might agreed with Izuku's request since it was Izuku's quirk now and not All Might's quirk. All Might only limited Izuku from telling others besides his father and mother. Of course, the Vanguard does learns about OFA though.)

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