Chapter 29: Japan's Reaction's to Endeavor & All Might plans

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3rd POV:

Japan was in a state of shock from Endeavor being arrested. Everyone was trying to figure out what happened and how no one ever noticed. The Japan hero commission stayed silent on the matter while J-UA announced that they had provided evidence to the UN hero commission team for the investigation. Everyone was a bit confused about the person that gave the press statement since it was a guy that was really skinny. The Todoroki family was being questioned but they gave no answer. Soon, the day of the trial happened and the result came out. Endeavor was found guilty on all charges and imprisoned in the Netherlands. This sent another shockwave through Japan as people were wondering how he became the #2 hero with that type of action and how it wasn't found out. Soon the news that the hospital had been bribed to keep the wife contained came out and it explained some of the situations since the wife couldn't get out to save her family. She was soon realized and took everything on Endeavors. Rei spoke out and thanked the Hero of Hope: The Paragon and his vanguard for their help since they were the team that looked into everything. This made everyone start looking into this team and they were shocked that it was a young hero team that was already at the top of the team ranking and their individual team members took all the top spots in America. They also noticed in Vanguard's social media that the skinny blond from J-UA was in some of their photos. Everyone wondered what the connection between the blonde and the vanguard was.

Everyone in Japan just kept watching the Vanguard team and soon saw that they were starting a tour of international missions across the world. Japan knew All Might was a world hero but he was the only one in Japan that held that title. Yet America had 6 that were an entire team. Vanguard was moving across different countries and the news of their wins was spreading like wildfire. The new hero of hope: the Pargon and his Vanguard were welcomed in every single country. From France to Brazil, every single country that the Vanguard went to they completed the mission. They even went and helped out in Australia when disaster struck the country. The American's were celebrating their amazing heroes while Japan had lost one of their top heroes. They wondered if the Hero of Hope and his vanguard would visit Japan again. Soon though they received a hint that it would happen when Mighty Towers made an announcement that they were sharing the agency office with the Vanguard agency. This shocked everyone since though All Might has shifted to teaching full time currently, he has never allowed anyone to share his office before! People were starting to question if All Might was planning to retire soon since the Vanguard was increasing in popularity and All Might has shared his office with them.

All Might POV:

I think Izuku's plans for my retirement are starting to play out well. He was right to start having me appear in my skinny form more in public appearances. People have begun to ask questions on who I am but haven't directly started to ask them. It also helped that Vanguard has me in some of their pictures on social media which creates a connection between me and them beforehand. I've even started to appear in the hallways in my skinny form and the students are starting to get used to my appearance and don't question me after I claim to be an administrator working for the school. I walked into Nezu's office and we started to talk about how everything is currently going. "So next you have the press statement from Mighty Towers about your agency lending its building to the Vanguard team. This should start the questions of if you will retire because Vanguard has been doing a lot of work on the world stage." Nezu said. I agreed it would start those questions and I decided to tell Nezu about my phone call with the UN that I recently had. "Nezu, I've had a phone call with the UN a days ago before Vanguard made a stop here in Japan. They alerted me that I've lost my #1 world hero rank. It's official and will be announced who the new #1. Want to take a guess on who?" I said. Nezu looked a bit shocked since he wasn't expecting me to lose the #1 hero rank but it was understandable since I'm far more popular in Japan and some parts of the world but I haven't done international missions in a while and the world has noticed. "I'm going take a shot and say Paragon?" Nezu says and I confirmed it. "Yes, the entire vanguard has taken all top 6 ranks due to all their missions they are doing and how much of an impact they have had in America crime rates," I told him. I was happy that it was my protege that is taking my spot. "I've also got them to agree to delay the world ranking until we announce my retirement. I've told them the truth that I'm retiring at the end of the semester and about Paragon being my protege. They were shocked but happy to delay it. Though, I've already told vanguard about their new ranks on the world stage." I told Nezu and he seemed happy that everything was falling into place. The impact of my retirement shouldn't be that great since the world is currently talking about the hero of hope: the Paragon and his vanguard quite a lot. 

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