Chapter 17: Vanguard's HEARTS Agency Work-Study (Mafia Destruction)

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3rd POV:

Paragon and his Vanguard have kept up their routine for another week before being alerted that the HEARTS agency would start them on doing patrols now. The agency wanted it to start a week before classes restarted so they would get used to having both of them going on at the same time. It was decided that the Vanguard would be responsible for a longer-term mission in a city that is several states over. The mission would have them responsible for wiping out a Mafia that had taken over the city with a population of 500,000 citizens who are being ruled through fear. On the outside, the government appears to still have control of the city and area but internally the Mafia has overpowered the local officials and heroes who have been kept busy dealing with the mafia's normal crimes to go after the Mafia's main branch. As such the shadier parts of the town where crime is horrible had crime rates of up to 56%. There are several smaller gangs that the major mafia controls as well that kept the heroes busy. The government requested the HEARTS agency to send people to deal with the issue but knew it would be a long-term mission. 

As such, the HEARTS assigned Paragon and his Vanguard to start dealing with the threat since all of the other teams are out on missions and can't start on the mafia. Vanguard's mission is to do as much as they can before another team is cleared which is undetermined currently. They would have two individual heroes assigned from the HEARTS agency to help them who will take a back seat and only step in at Vanguard's request or if they see a moment to help turn a tide of a battle. Otherwise, Paragon has the lead on the case and total authority of any hero involved in the case as Paragon is assigned as the lead. The agency provided the following mission details that are known currently:

- City has been under Mafia rule for about 1 year now with this only being discovered half a year ago.

- The mafia has built up power in the past 6 years with it taking control of the city in a death grip in the last year. 

- The head of the Mafia is unknown nor are the main branch members.

- Gangs under control of the main branch all rank from D-C rank villains with a few B-A ranks. The main branch is believed to have C-A rank villains with 1 S rank villain based on rumors of their power level.

- All gangs combined have a membership count of 6,000 members with the main branch making up only 1,000 members.

- Lower rank members refuse to talk in fear of death or don't know anything that would lead us to major operations.

- Image of down town for the city:

- Image of down town for the city:

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The Vanguard knew that they would need to take this slow and balance their studying with working on this case. They decided they would patrol for a few hours each day they were in the city while trying to find any clues about the main branch.  

- Time Skip 1 Week  -

The school has now started back up and the Vanguard hasn't found any clues yet. They have captured around 45 lower-tier members of the smaller gangs but they all refused to talk or told us that they didn't know anything and they just did grunt work. It was now Friday night and the entire team decided that they would spend tonight and the weekend to patrol at night and see if we could find anything since we are a month and a half ahead with our education. We told the principal we wouldn't be showing up to the weekend classes or training. He understood and wished us luck. 

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