Chapter 36: Past & Future -END-

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3rd POV:

Izuku and the team were sitting in the UA staff room. All Might told Izuku that he was shocked for a few moments when he had talked about OFA without revealing the actual quirk itself. Everyone that knew the truth was shocked at the route that Izuku took because it reveals nearly the entire truth of OFA and AFO without talking about his quirk. If somehow it ever got out then no one could ever accuse Izuku of lying since the scared torch was the actual quirk itself. Izuku had just worded the meaning to seem like something and that the mission was the only thing passed on. 

However, the relaxing time comes to an end when there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Nezu said. The door opened and there was Class 3-A & 3-B. "What can we help you, students, with?" Nezu said playing dumb because he knew they were here to talk to the Vanguard team or more so Izuku himself. "We wanted to talk to Deku an--" Bakugo started to say when Dragon and Phoenix cut him off with some anger in their voice. "HE IS NOT A DEKU. Seems like you all never changed since he left." both Phoenix and Dragon said at the same time. Everyone was just silent and didn't know what to say. "Ughh... What do you want Bakugo?" Izuku decides to ask. This made Bakugo flinched since Izuku didn't call him Kacchan. "We wanted to talk see how you were and talk since it's been so long. We're former classmates after all" Uraraka said. This annoyed the vanguard and the staff could see that it did. They also felt a bit annoyed. The students were acting as if what they did never happened at all.

"I don't know why you would want to know anything about me since you all ended any connection we had when I left this school," Izuku said. This made the students tense up in a bit of shock at how cold Izuku was being with them. "We just wanted to apologize for how we were before you left! Please don't be so cold!" Uraraka stated. Most of the students agreed. "It's nice that you want to apologize but I moved far past that. Also, you apologizing doesn't mean I must forgive you does it? You all decided to believe rumors that were spread about me even though I had helped quite a few of you survive things that would have killed you. I've found new friends and people that I call family that I can support and who will support me. I don't need to have any connection with any of you. It's good that you guys started to change but I have known that it was only recently after you all came back from America. You all saw how you were wasting your potential and knew you would die at your current progress if you didn't improve." Izuku said. Izuku then went on to talk about how they need to change their ways because at the current state none of them were going to be really great heroes and rank really high if that is what they are after. Izuku also talked about how Vanguard will be bringing more foreign heroes to Japan which will be at a higher skill set than them which will show the public how big the gap in skill is if they don't improve. 

"You all have wasted two years of training and schooling. As I said at the press conference. Japanese heroes will need to shape up and keep up. Else, they will be left behind. Also, far as I am concerned we are only strangers that will need to work together from time to time in the future. Now if you excuse us, we will be returning home soon and will need to say our goodbyes to the staff here." Izuku said. The students didn't know how to respond but they knew that this was the result of their actions. They knew, that they would need to shape up and keep up or be left behind. 

-- Time Skip --

The Vanguard spent a bit more of the day at the school and helped out a bit more before they decided to go home. A lot of civilians gathered as Vanguard made their way out of UA and got ready to leave. Everyone started to chant Paragon's Vanguard as the team walked through everyone. Soon they made it outside the gate where the Teleporter Hero was waiting with other heroes returning to America that had come to help with relief efforts. After some parting words, they soon teleported back to the Vanguard's home agency. The other heroes were then transported back to their respective states. The vanguard all went home and wanted to relax since they were all tired from the final battle.

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