Chapter 6: Training, Determination, and Resolve.

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3rd POV:

It has been a few weeks seen the families have gotten together in regards to the situation with Izuku. News of Izuku's engagement and him being the soulmate of Alex and Lucas did spread and people were happy for them since Lucas and Alex have been waiting forever for their soulmate. All Might and Izuku call each other every few days to ensure they stay up to date with each other. Classes at school have been going well since the group has only gotten stronger with the addition of Izuku. However, Izuku felt that he wasn't doing enough in regards to OFA. He wanted to increase the control he has at a faster rate so he took some inspiration from his training before UA in Japan. He went and talked to Principal Victor about what he did for training in Japan before he entered the hero school and wondered if there were any places similar nearby the school so that Izuku could increase his training. Since the principal knew Izuku was a dedicated student, the Principal did recommend Izuku go down to a beach that has been filled with trash. "This beach is actually similar to the one you cleaned back in Japan. Based on the descriptions you have given me, I would say it's near the same level of trash as the beach in Japan. If you plan to clean the beach up, I can arrange for a quirk permit for you and the group so that you may train there without getting into legal trouble." Victor said. Izuku thanked the Principal and went back to the group. They had asked him what he needed from the Principal and Izuku told them about how he trained before going to UA in Japan and asked them if they wanted to join him in doing training by cleaning the beach. He said that since the American UA tournament is coming up in 3 months, it would be good training for it and also serve as a way to give back to the community.

-Note- (UA Japan Sports Festival and American UA Tournament are different. The Japan UA needs to use their event to bring in money and allow their students to show off their skills to get internships while the American UA records everything during their tournaments and has other events for students to show off their skills so that Pro heroes can watch the recordings and request a student for an internship. American UA ((A-UA)) receives enough funding from past students, donations from the public, and the government that they don't need to make it a moneymaker event for the school.)

It's no surprise that Lucas and Alex agreed right away since whatever Izuku wanted Izuku got from them. The girls agreed after a few moments of talking about it since All Might had talked to them about always giving back to the community before he left and always supporting each other. It would also be a good way to train their quirks since the principal would arrange for quirk permits for the beach to be used as training grounds for their group.

-- Time skip 2 Days, start of the weekend --

Izuku went back to the principal the same day and had gotten him to start the paperwork for the permit which Izuku received on Friday. As such, the group all met at Izuku's house so that they could go down as a group. They arrived at the beach and was stunned at the amount of trash that covered it. The entire group asked Izuku about his training before J-UA (Japan UA) and how long it took him to clear it all. "It took me 8 months to clean the entire beach in Japan, which gave me two months of quirk control training since if I attempted before I finished the beach, I would have harmed my body badly," stated Izuku The group thought that with all 6 of them, they could get the beach cleaned roughly before the tournament started. 


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