Make It

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"You look beautiful."


"Ew? Did you just say ew?" Trixie sat across from Katya, confusion written on her face.

"Yes, ew. You are talking to me like this is some cheesy tinder date. You've already been in my pants, many times, you don't need to sweet talk me."

"I wasn't you brat. I was just being nice. Plus it's not my fault you are easy."

"I'm not easy."

"Uh huh sure, you're easy for me."

"Whatever. Anyway, what are we going after this?"

"That's a secret."

"A secret?"

"Yep, a secret."

"A cheesy tinder date for kindergarten students, got it."

"Why so snappy tonight huh?" Katya sighed as she played with her straw.

"My mother called before I left."


"And she wants Willam and I to come back to live with her and dad."

"Are you?"

"Hell no, not a chance in hell."

"So what is there to be snappy about?"

"I told her no."


"We got into an argument."

"Ooh I see."

"She yelled about how I need to stop trying to act out and blah blah blah. It was a drag to hear. I love my mom but she makes it hard to like her."

"I know that feeling."

"Is your mom like that?"

"Not my mom, but my dad. He has to give his opinion all the time, even if I didn't ask him. His input has to be heard or else he will raise hell. It stopped bothering me after a while but I feel like it's starting to get to Farrah."

"Your little sister?"


"Why do you say that?"

"She refuses to go home. Every time we talk about it, she says that we need to bond. I stopped trying to get her to leave after about three weeks. I figured that she just needed a place to escape to."

"You're a sweet big sister."

"I try." Katya smiled as she put her hand on Trixie's.

"You are great Trixie, I promise."

"Hmm, who's sweet talking now?"

"Shut up."

"Make me."



"So, do you work tomorrow?"

"Yeah, you guys may not have school but I have work."

"That sucks ass."

"It does but it's okay. It means I won't spend my day being bored."

"I could have spent the day with you."


"Well yeah. We could have found something to do."

An Apple A Day(Trixya)Where stories live. Discover now