Chapter 3

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After school, the eight of us planned to hang out in our movie club room and set it up for an open house and auditions tomorrow.

We sat around the room and ate some snacks.

"Okay, tomorrow we will have an open house and auditions so we should probably clean up the place. I also need to go over the criteria for choosing members because last year some of us just wanted them in the club because they were pretty." Chan said and we chuckled.

He wasn't lying though, a lot of girls try to get into the club just to flirt with us and it is kinda getting annoying.

We started cleaning up and organizing the room to make it look decent.

"Okay, looks good enough. Now let's go over the criteria:

1. Should either be able to act, direct, write scripts, know how to use the equipment, edit, or can do makeup, hair, and wardrobe

2. Is actually going to contribute to our projects (not just flirt with us)

short and simple, you guys got it?" Chan said and we nodded.

"Now, author, have you made the script and the plot?" Chan asked.

A/N: "Wait what? Since when was I in the story?"

"Aish never mind, Seungmin have you made the script and plot?"

"Yeah it's pretty much done except for a bit of editing, but we need a Leading Female." Seungmin said and Chan nodded.

"Does anyone know any girl in this school that could act decently?" Chan asked and I remembered when Yeji was talking with that Minju girl.

"I think one of the new girls, Minju, can. She said she took some lessons." I said.

"Okay, let's go to their lockers so we could give them a flyer." Chan said and we all headed to the lockers area.

"Hey guys!" Chan said.

"Hi?" Hyewon said.

"Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow after school our movie club is having an open house and auditions." he said and Minho handed Hyewon a flyer.

"Yeah, we'll just show you guys around and what we do." Minho said.

"We also kinda need a leading female actress and Yeji and Hyunjin told us that Minju acted a bit, so we figured you guys could check it out!" Felix said.

We all looked at Minju and I realized that she really is pretty, I mean all three of them are, but she stands out.

"Okay!" Wonyoung said.

"Well, we gotta go meet up with our friends, but it was nice meeting you guys and see you tomorrow!" Minju said and they left.

We decided to split up into three teams and hand out flyers to everyone. We agreed that the group who gives out the least flyers in an hour has to pay for whatever we're doing after this.

Our teams were:

- Changbin, Me, and Han (aka the crackheads and loud asf group)

- Minho, Seungmin, and Jeongin (aka Jeongin's couple therapy with 2min)

- Chan and Felix (aka G'dAy FeLlAs! My NaMe Is BaNg ChAn, AnD i'M fElIx, AnD wE'rE fRoM AuStRaLiA!)

We headed to the courtyard hoping there would be people there, and there were a few.

Thankfully, all of them took a flyer, but there were only five people and we had 30 flyers in total......

We contemplated on where to go and where most people would be at this time.

People are usually at the library at this time so we tried going there, but we got kicked out because we're too loud.

"Why don't we try the front gate!" Han suggested.

"Minho, Seungmin, and Jeongin already went there, I heard them talking about it when we got in groups and they headed in that direction...." Changbin said.

"Uhh maybe the cafeteria?" Han suggested again.

"The Aussie's already went there, I saw them walk out a few minutes ago....." I said.

"The lockers?" Han suggested for a third time.

"We could try, but I doubt anyone would be there." I said and we headed to the lockers.

We got to the lockers area and, as expected, no one was there.

"Ahh, I give up!" Changbin said.

"I already know we're going to lose so why don't we play rock, paper, scissors and the loser has to pay 50 percent while the two winners only pay 25 percent each!" Han suggested and we nodded.

The first time we all put out scissors.

The second time Changbin and I put out rock while Han put out paper.

The third time I put out scissors and Changbin put out paper and I won!

"Ahhh, why is it always rock, paper, scissors....." Chanbin said and we laughed.

We headed back to the movie room since our timer went off and saw the others already waiting.

"We gave all of ours away." Minho said.

"Same with us." Chan said.

"Uhm we gave away five....." Changbin said and the other chuckled.

"Let's get something expensive since Changbin's rich!" Jeongin said and they all nodded in agreement.

Changbin got all sulky and we all laughed.


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