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It's the weekend after Luke marked me, and North and I are on a beach, aptly named North shore, at midnight.

Marie had thrown a party that had gotten out of hand, and the guys had to get involved. My presence wasn't appreciated so North and I escaped to a beach that he had wanted to take me to for a while.

It was a shame when we arrived that it was dark because although I could hear the waves breaking against the shore, I couldn't see where the beach ended and where the sea started. The moon was big in the sky, but every so often it would be hidden by a cloud passing over it.The air whips my hair around my face, and I keep trying to brush it away only for it to keep returning to its previous position. I run onto the sand and whip around as well, taking everything in, even in the dark. I see the shadows of rocks on what I assume to be the edges of the beach.

North calls after me. "Be careful, Sang Baby!"

I roll my eyes at his overly-protective nature, but I like that he cares enough. I pull North's jacket around me tighter, a chill going through me.

"Baby, you're cold, maybe we should go."

"No, I'm fine." North catches my arm and pulls me around to face him. He lifts his hands up to my cheeks, and I move closer, reveling in the warmth coming off him, but I don't want to admit that to him.

"Your cheeks are freezing." I look up at North's face, and I notice due to how close we are that his cheeks and nose are red with the sea breeze. With North's jacket, I've got more layers than he does, so if I'm cold he must be freezing.

"Aren't you cold?" I ask him, and he lets a small smile come to his lips. I brush a strand of hair that entered my mouth away from my face. He lifts his hands from my cheeks and brushes my hair back from my face so he can look into my eyes.

"We're talking about you."

"But you must be cold."

"Sang baby, don't worry about me."

"But I do."

"You shouldn't."

I could argue with him all day about whether I should worry for him, but I decided against it and to fight it further another day.

"Can we just stay a bit longer?" I ask. North sighs, but nods, wrapping his arms around me.

We stand like that for a moment, and I stare up into his dark eyes, smiling.

"I love you, Sang Baby," he says, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. It takes me off guard, but my grin gets wider even so. I didn't think North would be the first to say it, and I was just about to say it to him when he surprised me. I thought due to his dark facade, and not showing much emotion other than grumpiness, he wouldn't open up like that. But I'm glad he did. It makes it even more special to know he was vulnerable with me when he's stony with everyone else.

"I love you, North." North leans his head down, his cold nose pressing against my own. He breathes out and his warm breath defrosts my face. North tilts my head back, and it leaves my lips only millimeters from his. He hesitates, and I stay still, waiting for him to move. My eyes are trained on his, but he doesn't move the small space to capture my lips. We stay like that for a longer time than I thought we would, and I wonder whether North does in fact want to kiss me as I had first thought, and when I venture out to test the waters in his mind, I find the same doubts that I was experiencing. He was waiting for me.

I take the initiative and lean forward, pressing my lips to his cold ones. He's as frozen as the air around us under me, but soon the heat of his bottled up passion seeps into the kiss. North presses his lips harshly to mine, and it takes the breath right out of my lungs.

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