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A couple of months have passed since Volto and my step-mother were dealt with. I haven't heard from either since, and I'm quite liking life that way. For the first time, in my whole life, it feels like I've finally been able to relax.

The last couple of months haven't been completely smooth sailing. It's taken me a while to come to terms with everything, and actually realize that I'm not in danger anymore. Nightmares became a part of going to sleep every night, and it got to a point where I would avoid sleep in fear of seeing my step-mother or Volto. My brain wouldn't comprehend that they were locked up, far away from me, when I woke. I would find myself back in the basement of the house, tied up. My own screams would wake me, and I would find the pillow under my cheek wet from my tears, and my fingers gripping onto the sheets. Melody's been around a lot more, closer to the surface, and I've begun to hear her a lot more.

I was embarrassed by the dreams first, hating whenever Nathan would come running in. I was grateful to Nathan for allowing me to stay in his spare room, but I felt an immense sense of guilt for not allowing him a good night's sleep. He would always be there when I woke, and I appreciated the comfort, but it didn't ease the feeling of guilt.

It didn't matter where I slept, even if it was on the other side of town at another of the guys' house, I would still have a nightmare. I, and the others, originally thought it would have been the constant reminder of seeing the house and Marie who still lived there, every day. Although, Marie hadn't shown her face much since her mom was taken, and I know from the looks I get at school that she thinks it's all my fault. It is, after all. I had been concerned for Marie in the beginning, as my dad hadn't returned to the house since he got word of my step-mother being taken into the hospital. Mr. Blackbourne had told me that my dad's response wasn't surprised, and it was soon followed by a call to Marie telling her that he was with his other family, and she was expected to look after herself now that her mother was gone. He would send money to us both, because he still thought I was there, to help "us" get by. We could all hear Marie's reaction through the neighborhood, and she had come over to scream at me, which didn't garner a favorable reaction from any of the guys. I had offered to help, but by the time I did, she had moved onto the positivities of living alone, and soon invited a girl over to live with her, and held parties. The guys promised me that they would check in on her periodically, and as far as I know, that promise has been kept.

The guys caught on quick enough to my nightmares, and the fact that the only thing that would keep them from happening was them being nearby, and it's become customary for me to sleep with one of them every night, and soon enough the nightmares stopped.

Over the past few months, the guys have started to be more open with me about what they do with "The Academy". I'm still not entirely aware of what they do, but I was able to go on a couple of their missions with them, just the mild ones apparently, but it was still interesting to learn more about them and what they do.

One of the things that I was most excited about was participating in a 'family meeting'. The name itself just meant a lot to me, they see each other, and me, like family. The thought made me warm inside. I have a family who loves and cares about me. They explained that it was where we could air problems, and make decisions as a group, and it made my bond with them even closer. They want to try and make this work.

One of the problems that have arisen more than once is the situation of marking me as theirs. It would sometimes end in arguments, and one of the boys storming out, and it was these times that I became dubious of whether we could make it work, but it would eventually be talked out, and the subject would be pushed back to another day.

I wanted them to mark me, ever since my step-mother left. I wanted to be theirs so that no one else could try and have a claim on me. I didn't want someone to try and steal me away again. But, some of the boys felt different. They felt that it would be better for us to wait until I was in a better place mentally, so I could make the decision whole-heartedly. I had explained to them multiple times that it didn't matter how long away the decision was, I would still feel the same as I did when it was first discussed. Our relationship was as strong as ever, as we had talked out all of the issues that may arise, and have promised each other we would always talk future ones out too.

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