Part 46

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We eventually pull into a field with a rundown Victorian house situated to the right, a couple of trailers on the left. I look at them curiously over the top of the car as I get out. I turn from them back to the house. I am about to ask Dr Green what happened, when he beats me to it.

"Uncle renovates old house, selling them for a profit. However they seem to be attached to this one and have moved in. North stays in the trailer over there." He lets me know motioning to the newer trailer.

"Why doesn't he stay with Luke and Uncle?" I ask, as we start to walk towards the house.

"He likes the privacy." He answers as we stop outside the front door. He reaches into his pocket bringing out a set of keys. He selects one before pushing it into the lock. I look at the ring and see eight others in colored covers, and a couple more. Dr Green lifts his hand to the door, knocking out a random rhythm. He turns back to me, pushing the door open.

"We all have keys to each others houses." He answers my unspoken question, again. I move past him and into the house. I look around to see the walls are bare. The smell of paint and wood mixing together made my nose itch, causing me to want to sneeze. I feel one coming, and lift my arm up to catch, letting out a sigh when nothing comes. I follow Dr Green into what I assume to be the living room. A couple of seconds later I hear footsteps walking towards us from around the house. One was coming from the back, whereas the other from upstairs. North appears first, as Luke rushes down the stairs. I move to him, being enveloped in his arms.

"Are you OK, baby?"

"He wasn't there when I got there." I tell him with a nod. He leans down pressing his nose into my hair, breathing in my scent.

"I'm glad you weren't stupid and tried to go yourself without telling us." 

"Hey, don't call her stupid." Luke says. I move back from North moving to his brother.

"That's not what I said." North responds angrily.

"It was a joke bro, calm down." Luke says over my head. I breathe in his vanilla scent before pulling back when I hear the door open again after a random knock patter. I run out into the hall to see who came through the door to find Victor and Silas in deep discussion. They stop when they see me, smiles coming to their faces.

"Hi, Princess." Victor says gently as I walk up to him. He pulls me into a hug, before letting me move to Silas. 

"Aggele Mou." He greets extending his arms. I look down to his wrists, wanting to see them in person. I take them gently, just in case, and rub my fingers over where the marks were. All I feel is his smooth skin. I let a smile come to my lips as I feel myself relax even further. I place a small kiss on his wrists before he pulls me closer into one of his bear hugs. I sink into it inhaling his ocean smell. I hear Victor walk into the living room, and Silas picks me allowing us to follow without breaking our hug. He places me down when we arrive in the living room, causing a giggle to escape my lips.

"Aw, Pookie where's my love?" I hear Dr Green say. I move back and see he has a pout on his lips.

"You've had her all afternoon." Luke points out. 

"I know, but I feel left out." Dr Green replies with a shrug. I let out another giggle as I move over to him letting him pull me into a hug. He drops a kiss to my forehead. I turn around to see that the boys are passing around the mask having a look at the message on the back.

"Has anyone heard from the others?" I ask bringing my finger to my lip, pushing it against my teeth. I haven't heard from them, and I don't know if they are OK. Dr Green pulls out his phone looking down at it. I look at the others, seeing if they have heard anything but they just shake their heads.

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