Part 24

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The person that was right was... drum roll please... @marhtaclanton *shudder* I've changed the character slightly, to fit with the story and to make it slightly different to the actual books, but she is still the bitch that we all know and hate. ;)

A girl I don't recognise stands in the doorway. Her brown hair is down and frames her plain face.

"Mr. Morgan. Why are you home, and who is this?" She asks looking at me on his lap. I shrink back into Victor.

"This is Sang, my m... friend." He says. I look up to him. Is he ashamed of me?

He hears my thoughts and his voice enter my mind.

"I'm not ashamed of you, it's for your protection, I don't want my parents finding out and hurting you. I promise." He says. I can hear the honesty in his voice. His parents would hurt his mate? Do they hurt him? I sigh and reply.


"Muriel, would you please not let my parents know that I am here." Victor says looking up at the girl who must be Muriel.

"OK, call me if you need anything." She says looking at him, ignoring me. Melody didn't like that. A low growl escaped my lips. My hand shot to my mouth as if I could stop it.

"That will be all Muriel, thank you." He says looking down at me with an amused expression on his handsome face. Melody keeps looking at Muriel until she leaves the room. When she has gone I look back to Victor.

"She's my maid, she won't be anything else." he say reassuringly. I smile and my stomach grumbles again asking to be fed.

"Well come on then, let's get you fed." He says lifting me off his lap. He stands up and takes my hand pulling me after him. While we are walking I grab my phone and see I have unread messages. I open them and see my boys have all text me with almost the same message - am I OK? Victor pulls me to a couch in the entertainment room. Sat in front of it, on a table is a tray with chocolate chip pancakes, so that was what I smelt, a bowl of fruit and a glass of juice.

"Kota told me that this was your favorite and North insisted that you had some fruit." He says giving me a smile. I sit down and grab the fork. Half the plate is gone in 3 minutes. I was hungry, I hadn't eaten properly for a while. After another minute of eating I was getting full, I put the fork down and look up at Victor who was watching me, smiling.

"It wasn't too cold was it?" He asks worriedly.

"No." I reply. I pick my mobile back up and get to answering all the texts. I thought it would be better to text them as it may look weird with 6 boys staring off into space doing nothing. Victor stops me before sending the first text.

"Do you want to talk to them all in the same message?" He asks. I nod passing him my phone. He presses some buttons and then passes it back to me.

"I've set up a group message so we can all talk in the same message." He explains. I click on the box and type my message.

Sang: Hello.

My phone explodes with messages at the simple message. I scroll back to the top and answer the messages in one message.

Sang: I'm OK.

Gabe: Are you sure Trouble?

Sang: I'm sure Meanie.

North: Have you eaten? Did you have some fruit?

Sang: I have. Yes I had Chocolate chip pancakes, a bowl of fruit and a glass of juice.

Luke: No fair, you had chocolate chip pancakes :(

North: You had them earlier. Stop complaining.

Luke: OW, Sang tell North off for hitting me. I smile imaging Luke on the other side.

Sang: Be nice.

Kota: Are you having a nice time? :)

Sang: Yes. I woke up about half an hour ago and watched Victor work for a bit. I didn't understand any of the numbers or what he was doing. I looked up at Victor thinking I got him into trouble. He just gives me a smile.

Nathan: Nobody gets what he does. :)

Silas: I'm going to miss you in Biology aggele mou

Sang: I miss you too Silas. I miss you all.

Mr Blackbourne: We will be over later Miss Sorenson I nearly drop my phone when I see his name. I shake my head, of course he would have been here, he's my mate as well.

Dr Green: HAHAHA! Owen you should have seen Pookie's face. I look up and around the room expecting to see him hiding in a corner or him to have come in without me knowing. I then see that Victor is smiling at me and tapping his head.

"He was checking in on you with me." He says. I go back to my phone.

Gabe: Oy Victor you better be treating her like what you call her.

Victor: I am.

Mr Blackbourne: Boys, say your goodbyes and then put your phones away. He even sounds commanding over text.

Dr Green: does that mean me?

Mr Blackbourne: Yes Sean.

Dr Green: :P

Silas: Goodbye aggele. See you later. x

Kota: Bye Sweetie. Have fun. x

North: Bye Sang Baby, don't eat anything I wouldn't. x

Luke: Bye cupcake. Eat everything I would. ;) x I feel a pain in the back of my head. North must have hit Luke hard.

Gabe: Don't live up to your nickname while I'm gone. See you later Trouble. x

Nathan: Bye Peanut, we should have a movie afternoon. ;) x This message gets a lot of replies of yes.

Dr Green: Bye Pookie, hurt Victor please, get me out of this hell hole! Help! x (I'll be collecting that later.) I blush at the last bit.

Mr Blackbourne: SEAN!

Dr Green: :P kidding obviously.

Mr Blackbourne: Goodbye Miss Sorenson.

I go to put the phone down when another message comes through. I pick it back up to see Dr Green has text me.

Dr Green: I wasn't ;) PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE!! I laugh out loud which gets a curious look from Victor. I show him my phone. He joins in with my laughter.

Here you go. I had the very first part written last week but then I forgot about it... Oops!

The next update will most likely be sometime next week, so Merry Christmas to whoever celebrates it! :)

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CC ;)

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