Kota's POV

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Hiya, First of all I cannot believe how many people have read and voted on this! Over 300 votes and 2.84K reads! Crazy, I wasn't expecting so many people to read and like it. Secondly, It took longer than I thought to write it and it's not as good as I wanted it as I didn't have much time (I might come back and change it when I have the time). I have only written this at the moment so it will be a bit longer for the next POV. I wanted to get something up for you, so, sorry if it sounds a bit rushed (I was trying to get everything from when they met up to when she collapsed in). Hope you like it!

CC ;)

I will never regret going out that night to see what the girl across the street was doing. When I saw her move in the first day, I couldn't get her out of my mind. I kept walking past her house hoping she would come out, so I could talk to her. A couple of times I pondered whether to knock on her door and ask to talk to her, but I thought I might weird her out if she knew I hadn't been able to get her out of my head. When she finally left the house, I had just come back from an Academy mission and I was about to go into bed when I saw her sneaking up the road, I thought she was running away to never come back. I quickly threw some clothes on and grabbed Max. When we were on the street I let Max off the lead and told him to stop her. I ran up to her afterwards and asked if she was OK. When I got close, my wolf went crazy shouting 'Mate!' at me. I smelt the air and couldn't smell anything. Strange. She wouldn't look at me. I lifted her chin up to look me in the eyes, no sparks. They were the same color as mine and everyone's else when we changed. They quickly changed back to an emerald green. She didn't say anything about being my mate so I didn't mention it, I'll need to talk to Doctor Green. I convinced her to come back to my house and stay the night. She told me her name was Sang. The next morning I woke up earlier than her and pushed the roll away bed back under my bed and went downstairs to tell my mom that Sang was in my bathroom and I had met her earlier in the week and that she liked chocolate chip pancakes, I also told her Gabe and Luke would be over soon. I made my way back up the stairs and looked to a soaking Sang in the bed with Gabe and Luke stood over her with buckets in their hands.

"Who the fuck is this and why is she in your bed?" Gabe asks me.

This is my mate Sang, she was going to run away last night. I said through our pack link.

No, she is my fucking mate. Gabe replies.

No, she's mine. Luke says.

Is she all of ours? I mean like all nine of ours. Gabe asks.

Maybe. I reply.

I don't think she knows she is ours so don't tell her until we talk to Doctor Green I tell them. I turn to Sang and ask her if she has any clothes in her bag. She says she does and I tell her to go and change in the bathroom. We all head downstairs to the kitchen,

A girl called Sang may be all of our mates so if/when you meet her later today don't tell her yet she doesn't have any of the smell or sparks. We need to talk to Doctor Green before we talk to her. I tell everyone else through the pack link, except for Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green. I get affirmatives from them all. I had just finished talking with them all when Sang came into the doorway. My mom introduced both her and my sister. When she said about Gabe and Luke I could tell she was confused as they hadn't been introduced, but luckily Gabe and Luke held up a finger to correspond with the way my mom said it. We finished breakfast and we explained to Gabe and Luke about why she was in my bed. Gabe invited her over to the pool party we were having at Nathan's and she said she had to go home and change.

When Sang arrived we played around in the pool until the other guys arrived, and we introduced them to her. They were all good and didn't say anything about being mates with her.

While Sang was changing back into her now dry clothes we all had a meeting.

"OK, she obviously doesn't know about us all being mates with her, so no one will talk to her about it until we get the chance to talk to Dr Green about it. I don't want to introduce them too soon."

"Are you sure she is a shifter?"

"Yes I am sure she is like us, you should have seen her when the burger caught alight, her eyes changed to a golden yellow." North said.

"Yeah that happened last night." I agreed. We all heard a feminine gasp and footsteps running out of the door. We all stood up and ran after her. She headed into the woods. We all stepped into the tree line and undressed, strapping the clothes to our legs. We all shifted into our wolves and soon followed behind her. We caught up to her when she was in a clearing and I told everyone to slow down. Her wolf was beautiful. We were walking towards her slowly but her head shot up and she ran off again. I told North to tackle her to the ground when he could. When she wasn't fighting him anymore we all crowded around her. I went off to change and came back with my shirt in my hand and asked her to shift back. I introduced her to each of their wolves before I told them to go and change back. I then asked Victor to call Doctor Green. Of course the good doctor had to mess around, but eventually he agreed to come.

When we arrived back at Nathan's, Dr Green had to open his mouth and blurt out 'Mate'. We figured out that someone, likely her mom, was giving her a drug to control the effects of the wolf.

At registration when we saw the marks her mother left on her skin, I swore to protect her from her mother from now on.

It was the Friday before school started and we were all having a sleepover at mine. We were all waiting for Sang to arrive, when there is a knock on the door. I open it to reveal my beautiful mate, but there is something different. Then she said something that made me elated.

"Mate." I could smell her delicious scent. I pulled her into my arms and felt the sparks. I bent my head and sniffed her neck. I let out a growl. She smelt of strawberries and a hint of spice. I pulled her into the living room so the others could do what I did. We played truth or dare, Sang invited Jessica to play the Xbox with us, which was nice of her and we had a delicious dinner.

We were awoken that night to our beautiful mate whimpering and growling. North tried to wake her up, and when she did wake she sat up abruptly and hit heads with North. When she showed us the nightmare she had it was horrible. We all growled when the hunter with a lady's face turned to Sang and shot her.

Sang said she had better go after that and we all said our goodbyes saying we would see her on Monday.

The weekend went by quickly and Monday soon came around. When Sang knocked on the door this morning, I was excited to have her in my arms again. When I opened the door though, she was wearing sunglasses and wouldn't let us touch her. I thought that was weird. When we arrived at the school after a silent, awkward car ride, she wouldn't let anyone else touch her, and when Silas asked why, she looked upset. In the classes she would ignore us all, not letting us touch them. Something wasn't right though, I felt empty, like I was missing something, I tried to talk to her through our link but got no reply, I thought that she had a wall up.

It was fourth period when Victor shouted through the link.

Sang's just collapsed onto the floor. Her eyes were the color of her wolf's, apparently they have been like that all day. I didn't care that I was in class, I shot out of my seat before he could finish, I ran to the door with the teacher shouting after me. My mate might be injured. I finally arrived at their class and rushed through the door. North was stood over Sang with Victor on the floor with her. I saw that Nathan and Silas were already here stood with North. I could tell all of them were fighting with their wolves.

Everyone calm down NOW! Take her to Doctor Green. Everyone moved at once. I bet it was that bitch that she calls her mother. And I swore to myself I would protect her from her. I failed.

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