Part 2

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The next morning I woke up and turned over. I sniffed the air. This isn't my room. I started to panic when I remembered Kota and last night. I looked at where the roll away bed would be and didn't see anything. I looked around the room. It was empty. I pulled the covers over my head thinking about last night. Is Kota a friend? Would he find out about me and think I was a freak like my mom and Marie do? Would my mom find out? I was still thinking when I heard light footsteps on the stairs. I stayed under the covers hoping he would think I was still asleep, I wasn't ready to see him yet; I had so many unanswered questions running through my head. I heard the steps coming closer and stop by the bed. By the sounds of it, there was more than one person. I heard sniggering from whoever was there. The covers suddenly flew back and cold water hit me in the face. The laughing stopped when they saw it was me.

"OY! You're not Kota." There were two boys stood above me. One had crystal blue eyes with brown hair with two bits at the front dyed blond. He also had two orange earrings in his lobes and three black rings on his right ear. The other boy had long blond hair nearly to his shoulders with mischievous brown eyes. I just stared at both of them.

"Do you think she talks?" The boy with blond hair says to the other boy. I heard footsteps on the stairs and the door opened to reveal Kota. He looked at me soaked in water then at the boys who each had a bucket in their hands.

"Who the fuck is this and why is she in your bed?" the boy with brown hair asks. Kota looks at him for a minute looking like he was communicating with him with his eyes.

"Sang do you have any clothes in your bag?"

"Yeah I do."

"OK go and change. I told my mom that you had come over this morning and you are now in my bathroom, she said that you could stay for breakfast if you wanted."

"OK, thanks." I quickly went into the bathroom and got changed.

When I exited the bathroom no one was in the room. I went down the stairs and followed the voices to the kitchen. There was a woman stood by the stove flipping pancakes. At the table sat Kota, the two boys from earlier and a girl with pink rimmed glasses. The woman spotted me and smiled,

"Hi, I'm Erica, Dakota's mom. You obviously have met Gabe and Luke and this is Kota's sister Jessica." I wonder which one is which. The boy with brown hair held up one finger, the other boy with blond hair held up two fingers when Erica's back was turned. So the boy with brown hair and earrings was Gabe and Luke was the blond haired boy.

"I heard that you like chocolate chip pancakes." Erica said. I saw Luke grin when he heard that.


"Well dig in." She said putting the plate down on the table. The boys all went to take a pancake but Erica slapped their hands away.

"Ladies first." I sat down and picked a pancake up smiling at Erica.

"What are you all doing today?" She asked.

"Everyone was going to meet at Nathan's and have a pool party." Kota replied. Erica smiled. The rest of breakfast we talked and laughed. It felt like a real family, which I was not used to. When we had finished breakfast Erica told me that I was welcome whenever. I had to hold my tears back, my own family didn't want me, and this stranger who I had known for 30 minutes was already asking me to come back. I said goodbye and we all went outside.

"Are you going to tell us why she was in your bed now?"

"Max knocked her over." He simply replied. I had to get back so my mom wouldn't find out.

"Thanks for everything," I said walking towards my house.

"HEY!" I heard Gabe shout. I turned around. "We are having a pool party at a friend's if you want to come."

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