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Camp finished, and luckily no one apart from the guys knew of my midnight visit to them. Or if they did, a deal wasn't made out of it. I fear that the guys have been told off for it and they haven't told me, but that suspicion is not furthered by anything other than my mind.

Just as it was when we arrived, leaving was uneventful. I was expecting to find out if I was accepted into the Academy then and there, but camp ended and we packed up and left without so much as an acknowledgment. I had been pulled into a meeting with them, where they asked about the guys and whether I was happy with them, and I had just stared back at them in disbelief. Their marks were on me, how could I not be happy with them? When I left, I met Mr. Blackbourne outside and asked him what his opinion, thinking he would be the one to know the most about what the Academy thought on me, but he knew as much as I, or so he said. The guys seemed to be in the same boat, and I wonder if they had pinned their hopes on the camp changing things as well. The redeeming factor was that I was included in the activities, and not turned away, so they must have accepted me somewhat. Either way, I was just thankful to be returned to the guys as promised. Hopefully, by answering their questions, I'll never be separated from the guys again.

I slept most of the car ride home, and waking up this morning was a surprise, not sure who I was with, and where I am. The smell of sweets and vanilla was the first thing I was aware of, and I didn't even need to open my eyes to know, at least, who I was with. Where I was doesn't matter.I open my eyes to find Luke lying on his side, facing me, his jaw slack. I admire his model-like features until he lets out a light snore. I stifle a giggle, pressing my face into the pillow.

Once I've composed myself, I lift my face from the pillow and look around the room. I'm not only with him, but the room we're in belongs to Luke as well. I've stayed here only a couple of times. Whenever I'm here, I remember the first time, and the wolf scratching my face. It was what started the end for Volto, and as a result, I feel a calmness here. North doesn't like me staying, due to the fact of it being a building site, but I trust their workmanship and doubt it'll fall down. The scratch didn't leave a mark, much to Gabriel's appreciation, and healed quite quickly.

I return my head to the pillow and find Luke's eyes are open and watching me. I smile, and he returns it crossing his eyes.

"Morning, Cupcake." I giggle. His eyes light up. and he sits up in bed. He looks to the alarm clock on his bedside table, and then back at me. He falls onto me dramatically. "North and Uncle will be at the diner now, so you know what that means..."

I get his meaning instantly without having to look into his mind. "Chocolate pancakes!" we cheer at the same time. I sit up abruptly in bed, but before I can even think about sliding my feet out of the covers, Luke scoops me up and places me over his shoulder. He races out of the room, and with every bounce, on his shoulder, a giggle falls out of my lips and I'm a second closer to wetting myself.

"Luke!" I cry through giggles as we descend the stairs.

"What, pumpkin?" he asks, hitting me on the thigh to stop me from wriggling.

"I'm going to wet myself," I tell him, dragging in breaths between giggles. I continue to wriggle, and when we're on the ground floor he lets me down, and I run toward the bathroom.

Once I've relieved myself, I come into the kitchen to find Luke reading the back of a box, with an array of ingredients scattered on the counter in front of him. He tucks a strand of hair behind his ear, his eyes flying up to meet mine. A grin stretches his face.

I walk closer to him perusing the ingredients. I notice the bag of chocolate chips and snatch them up.

"You can be IC chocolate chip distribution. I need to know I can trust you with this monumental task," he says, pointing the spatula he picked up at me. I grin, nodding.

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