Part 20

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I wrote this on my phone so please point out any mistakes that I or autocorrect could have done. :)

The boys start to move back inside the house behind me, Silas still staying with me.

"I understand what you're going through." Silas says not moving to look at me.

"My mamá was killed by my brother when we still lived in Greece. She was in a church and Theo, my brother, set the whole place alight." Tears threaten to spill out, I felt bad; it must have been awful for Silas to relive all the memories. I close my eyes and try and stop the tears from falling all over again.

"Aggele, let's go in before Luke eats all the pancakes." I open my eyes and see Silas stood above me with his hand extended down towards me. I take it and allow him to pull me up. He pulls me into his side and kisses the top of my head. I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder. He bends down and pulls me up into his arms. The bad night's sleep is catching up to me and all I wanted was to be with my mates. He walks into the kitchen where North and Luke are arguing about how many pancakes to make - North wants one each and Luke wants ten each. The others are sat at the table chatting. When Gabe sees me he jumps out of his seat and comes running up to me.

"Trouble, I have some comfier clothes you can get into..." He says. "If you want?" he adds as if he is unsure.

"Thanks Meanie, I would like that." I say tiredly. Everyone's heads snap around to me. I shrink back into Silas. A commanding cough has all the boys looking away.

"Do you want me to put you down, Aggele?" Silas asks.

"Yes please, thank you Silas." I say. He puts me down and Gabe takes my hand. He pulls me after him into Nathan's room. Lying on the bed is a long wool sweater with a pair of leggings with a pair of comfy looking boots sitting at the end of the bed.

"Trouble, get changed, I'll be outside." Gabe says bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing the back of it. I nod and he walks out. I sit on the bed and sigh deeply. I try and summon the energy to move and get ready, but my limbs won't co-operate. Maybe if I just lie down for a minute...

"Trouble..." Gabe says shaking my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes and see Gabe's smiling face looking down at me. "OK?" He asks. I nod.

"Would you like some help?" I open my mouth to object but he interrupts. "I promise I won't look." He says sincerely.

"Yes please." I reply. He passes my underwear and tells me to put them on. He closes his eyes and turns around. I put them on and tell Gabe I'm done. He turns around and gulps visibly. He lifts my arms above my head and drags the sweater on. He picks up the leggings and bends down and tells me to step into them. I hold onto his shoulders to steady myself, and step into the leggings. I sit down on the bed once they are up fully; Gabe takes my feet and puts them into the boots. Before he stands up he puts his hands on either side of my legs.

"Trouble, Sang, come back to us, we need you." He says brokenly, and that's when I let out all of my emotions.

Hope you liked it! It might be a while for the next one, depending on how much I have to do around the house, my dad broke his collarbone so I will probably have to do more to help my mum. It may not be longer than usual, as I will write whenever I get the chance. It was just a explanation if you don't get an update for a while.

Next update will be Sang going to Victors house. 

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CC ;)

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