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I arrive at school the next day with Kota, finding most of the guys standing by the space we pull into, waiting. I wouldn't say patiently, but they at least wait until I get out of the car before they greet me. They don't all rush me at once, and as they walk forward they almost seem cautious and worried.

Silas gets to me first, not hesitating in pulling me into one of his big bear hugs. I wrap my arms around his neck and he spins me.

"Aggele," he greets, and he seems the least worried of the group. I sense Kota bristling behind me, but he doesn't do anything to interfere, instead letting me greet the guys one at a time. The only two who are missing are Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green and their absence is noticeable.
I end up standing in front of Gabriel who grins at me, looking to my neck. I instinctively put a hand to bite mark, aware of how it looks. When I looked in the mirror this morning, although it just looked like a bite scar, with Kota's two canines being the most prominent marks in the whole scar, it looks beautiful to me. I want to wear it with pride, but I am also aware that if someone were to see it at the school, there would be rumors.

But it seems that Gabriel has thought of that. He delves a hand into his pocket of the uniform he designed for them, the uniform was a tactic by Mr. Hendricks and Mr. McCoy to single them out as different and brings a compact.

"Come here, trouble," he says, tapping my hip to move me closer to the car. The guys all move in a way that if someone was to look over at us they wouldn't be able to see me, but it wouldn't look like they were purposefully shielding me from view.

"Jesus, Kota, you couldn't have made it smaller? It looks like your tore at her neck like a rabid animal." Gabriel presses a sponge into the compact, tapping it onto the skin around the mark, but not touching it just yet. He examines it, sighing.

"I don't think it's the right color, but it's all I have, so it's going to have to do. Kota, this is your fault."

"Yeah, you'd think you hadn't eaten in years looking at her neck," Luke chimes in. Kota seems to be ignoring them, but I get angry on his behalf because I like it, and I don't want Kota doubting that.

A low growl leaves my lips, warning them all. "I like it." Apologies fly out of the boys' mouths, with their own terms of endearments and versions of my name.

Gabriel tilts my head away from him to allow him access to my neck. I catch a glimpse of Silas staring at the mark on Kota's neck, a small smile on his lips.

"Your bite looks beautiful, Aggele. I can't wait to have it on my own body."

"Yeah, Trouble, now that's a fucking cute bite." I start to feel warm all over at their compliments, and my cheeks especially burn at their words.

Luke starts to pull his shirt over his head and look around nervously. What is he doing? Is he uncomfortable?

"Alright, cupcake, you can bite me wherever you want-" he gets cut off by North firmly grabbing the back of his shirt, so it can't get up any further, and the fabric almost creaks under the pressure they're both putting on it.

"She's not fucking marking you now," North commands, pulling roughly on the shirt. Luke doesn't fight it any further and allows him to pull the shirt down his back again.

Gabriel has avoided the mark as of yet, and I realize why he's cautious to touch it because when he finally puts pressure on the site, my knees nearly buckle under me.

A mutter of curses and groans go around the circle. "Fuck, Gabe, warning next time."

"Sorry," Gabriel says through gritted teeth. the next time he touches it I'm ready for the feeling, but it doesn't mean it diminishes at all.

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