Part 12

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A/N: I wrote this for a laugh so I hope you find it funny! Hope you like it. I will go back to updating every week now I'm back. Sorry I didn't update while I was away, I didn't really have much time to write.

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting!

CC ;)

I was sat on the porch for an hour and was giving up hope when I eventually heard the sound of more than one car engine coming down the road. I stand up and brush myself off. They drive past Nathan's house and up to Kota's. Doubts start to surface, are they ignoring me? Did they decide that they don't want me anymore?

I decide eventually that they probably just didn't see me. They all get out of the cars chatting and laughing walking towards Kota's house. Before I could call out to them they all had entered the house.

I sigh and pick up my trunk walking across the road. For some reason I decide to be nosy and listen to what they are saying (and it's not because the writer wants to hear what the boys are saying).

I creep up to the window and stand beside it, I look into the living room and see them all sat around on the floor and chairs. I push my hair behind my ear and listen in to what they are saying.

"Ok everyone listen up, I know that we all would like to get this over and done with so we can get back to Miss Sorenson, so don't interrupt and we can finish this quickly. Before we start this Family meeting I would like for Mr Coleman, Mr Taylor Senior and Sean to please put the costume back on so that we can have photos on hand for the club if they require them." The boys all laugh and Gabe, Luke and Dr Green look mortified,

"But you said that we were finished wearing them."

"The Academy's decision not mine." He says with a millimeter smile. The Academy? The school they go to?

"Yeah course it is!" Gabe says before walking out of the room with Dr Green and Luke following. A couple of minutes later they come back in. I have to put a hand over my mouth to stop my giggles from being heard.

Gabe, Luke and Dr Green was stood there in a dress and a wig. Gabe was wearing makeup, Luke was wearing green high heels and Dr Green was wearing a feather boa. They were also all wearing tights.

"We don't have any boobs, we need boobs." Gabe exclaims.

"I know what we can use." Silas says going into the kitchen. Seconds later he comes back out carrying some objects. He held two gala melons, two watermelons and two oranges.

"Watermelons? How are you meant to put them down your front? They're too big, they won't fit the bras we have on!" They have bras on?

"Fine I'll go and get something else." Seconds later he comes back with two more oranges.

"Someone is going to have really big boobs!" Luke points out laughing. They are talking about this like they have done it before! I'm the one outside that is laughing hard into my hand.

"Let's get this over with!" Gabe says. Silas hands out the 'boobs' and Dr Green is stuck with the melons. Mr Blackbourne takes out a camera and starts taking photos of them in different poses. Every now and then they have to adjust the fruit as they keep slipping down. After they are done Dr Green turns to Mr Blackbourne.

"So, handsome what do you think, are they good?" he says in a high pitch voice walking up to him. When he gets to him he runs the feather boa down his face and around his neck.

"Your boob's slipping." Mr Blackbourne replies.

"You know how to woo a girl." Dr Green replies fanning his face. The boys laugh at his antics. Gabe interrupts by falling flat of his face, trying to take his tights off.

"Fucking shit how do woman get out of these things? I just got my foot caught!"

"Ok change and then we can go on with the family meeting." Mr Blackbourne says with a millimeter smile. Luke goes to walk out of the room but one of his heels comes flying off and misses Kota by an inch, and Luke goes tumbling to the floor.

"How do woman walk in these? They are a death trap!" The boys eventually exit the room and North turns to Mr Blackbourne,

"Good trick, I got it all on video." He says. MrBlackbourne high fives North, It was all a trick they didn't have to take the photos? I giggle into my hand, it was all a joke.
A/N: Was it funny? Comment to tell me what you thought!

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