Part 33

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North races through the cars on the roads. The further we get away from the others, the more pain I feel. I keep trying to contact them through our mind link, but I get no response. Silas is sat in the front with North, and keeps looking back at me with a concerned look. In between the looks he would say something in what I presume to be Greek, to North, who replies in kind. I pull my knees up to my chin.

"We need to go back." I plead with them. "We need to help them."

"We will, don't worry aggele." Silas reassures me, reaching his hand back to me. I take it, finding comfort in how big his hand is compared to mine. I look down at his wrists and see that they are already healing, better than mine.

"Your wrists... How are they healing so quickly?" I ask.

"We were subjected to silver when we joined the Academy, it wasn't the best experience, but it means that the effect disappears faster." North explains.

"Where are we going?" I ask, still holding onto Silas' hand. He squeezes it and gives me a smile, his white teeth contrasting to his olive skin.

"To mine for now, while we think of a plan." Silas says.


Finally North pulls into an apartment complex. North pulls up to the last building and parks the car. Silas gets out and comes around to open the door for me. I thank him and go to get out but he lifts me up and hugs me close. I sigh, I need this, to feel the mate bond. he carries me up to the second floor. North goes forward and unlocks the last door. Silas carries me into a hallway with opened I opt the living room, on the left was the kitchen. Silas carries me to the L shaped couch and drops me down onto it.

"Will your dad mind me being here?" I ask bringing my hand up to my lip.

"He won't mind."

North walks over to where I am sat and kneels down in front of me.

"Are you OK?" he asks. I nod.

"Don't lie Sang baby."

"North, I'm OK, I just want my other mates back, everything else can heal." I say giving him a small smile. he looks at me with admiration in his eyes.

"Do you like me, after what I did?"

"Yes. I understood why you did it. Do you like me?"

"Yes." he says softly. North stands back up and looks at Silas.

"We need to get them out of there as soon as we can."

"We could always call Axel's team."

"No! We can do it without them. "

"We might not have a choice." Silas replies.

"I don't want Sang near them. The Academy can't know about her yet." North replies. Are they ashamed of me?

"We'd be there and it will have to happen at some point." They both exchange looks and I don't bother trying to enter their minds, knowing I won't get anywhere. I sit back, and wait for them to be finished. My stomach starts grumble, which is obvious in the silence. They boys both look at me.

"Hungry?" Silas asks, giving me a grin. I nod.

"We can plan after eating." North says.

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