Dr. Green

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Hi guys! Long time no see! I am so sorry for the extremely long wait. I won't explain it all here, if you want to read about that you can go to my profile and read my announcements there about it. I have really missed writing for my books, but I'm back with a new schedule, so if you read any of my other books, you can also find the schedule for that on my page. I really hope you enjoy the last two parts. This part is just over 6,000 words so I hope you're ready. The beginning was my original idea for the end, rewritten as the original that I wrote quite early in the process isn't something I think you should see (;) it's not awful, just not great. Maybe in the future if I ever get the courage I'll show it). Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

I should have realized that there was going to be trouble as soon as Rocky blocked me from walking to the courtyard at lunch. The trust that the guys have with me has grown since they've all marked me. They now are sure that I have no want to leave them, and the connection that has deepened with them has made it easier for them to know where I am at all times, getting rid of the worry that was once there. The idea of me going to the toilet alone is now less scary to them. It took some persuasion all the same. North's protective side is torn whether to bundle me up by his side, never to leave, or feel pleased that I'm marked and no one can harm me as easily. His connection to me is a lot clearer.

Volto and my step-mother gave us a false sense of security that all threats had been dealt with, but in all the stress of people outside of school, we forgot that school is just as much of a threat to us, and our kind.

Getting in the way of a shifter and their mates is never a good idea, especially if you already have history.

"Baby," he greets, and North's nickname out of his mouth just sounds wrong. My skin crawls as I flinch away from him. Having 7 marks on me has only made other's advances and stares feel worse and out of place.

I force a polite smile, hoping to skirt around him at the earliest possibility. He grabs my wrist right over Nathan's mark and the disgust that was present before has doubled tenfold. My whole body recoils as I get the urge to throw up. I yank my arm away from him before I can fully make the conscious decision.

Rocky chuckles, more derisively than humorous. I try to dodge him again, but Jay is standing in the way of my escape route. His face is impassive, not showing any sig of it was intentional or not. He's leaning against the doorway, his head lulling to the side like he's bored.

I try to get his attention so I can ascertain whether he's on anyone's side, but his gaze is distant, staring at the cafeteria behind me.

I don't want to rely on the guys and call them, because it would mean that 'protect Sang by putting her in bubbly wrap' could become a reality very quickly. Instead, I rely on myself, and try to get him to let me pass.

"Please, can I go?"

He just chuckles, sharing a conspiratorial grin with the other boy standing with him. I haven't seen him around much, but I do recognise him to be from the football team.

I wonder even more why Jay is here when Rocky doesn't acknowledge him or vice versa.

"She wants to go," Rocky mocks, and he gets a laugh from the guy he turned to.

I try and dodge around him again, but it gets me nowhere, only resulting in him grabbing my arm again, and the football guy's arm meeting Silas' mark.My body bends back in complaint, and I try to yank my wrist back again, but Rocky's hold on me is strong.

"Please," I plead again, putting more of my strength into the tugs, but Rocky is stronger than he looks. every nerve that was alight when Nathan bit me is now screaming in agony, and the longer Rocky holds onto me, the worse the pain gets.

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