Part 14

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I stare out of the window and watch the trees blurring pass and then turn into other cars. I get knocked out of my haze and notice we are now on the freeway.

"Where are we going?" I ask breaking the silence.

"As far away from here, were we can't be found." He says in his freaky mechanical voice.

"B-but why? Why do this?" He doesn't answer but stays looking forward. I regret the decision of getting in now. I feel something poke at my mind, and then I feel the reassuring presence of one of my mates in my mind.

"Ok Pookie?" Dr Green asks. I try not to let on to the mysterious man that I am talking to him.

"I've been worse." I reply.

"Don't remind me." He sighs. "So Pookie, do you care to explain to me why you got into a stranger's car?" He asks.

"He said he wouldn't hurt me."

"Don't you know that's what all serial killers say to their victims?" He replies, I can imagine him shaking his head.

"I was worried that if I didn't then he would hurt me then. I was also tired of walking and running and by the time you all came it would be too late." He sighs but doesn't disagree.

"Ok Pookie, as much as I love talking to you, I need you to act normal and you can't do that while talking to me, I'm not going anywhere I will be here looking through your eyes the whole time. We're on our way." He says. I sigh and go back to the awkward car ride.

"Sang, I know what you're thinking, but I don't want to hurt you and will not unless you give me reason to. You can search me, I don't have a weapon." He says looking at me through his mask. He knows my name; it's not just a random stranger.

"NORTH! Watch it Jesus!" I hear Dr Green shout causing me to jump. The man looks at me for a minute before reaching into his bag.

"Excuse me, I have to take this." He says pressing a button. A piercing, high pitch sound, resonates in my head. I grunt and bend over holding my head.

"I'm sorry I had to do that, for me to stop it, you have to put a wall up to your mates."

"Never." I grit out. He presses another button and it gets louder. I scream, tears coming into my eyes involuntarily.

"Ok! Ok just stop please." I cry out. I picture a wall up between me and my boys and it stops. I sigh in relief.

"They'll be here any minute; I need to tell you this you can't trust them as much as you want to. Your real mom wouldn't like you relying on men. She'll be turning over in her grave." He says before pulling over. "Now get out." He says looking back at the road. I climb out and turn around to ask him what he meant when he closes the door from the inside and drives off and back into traffic. I try to keep track of him, but I lose him very quickly.

The sound of roaring engines hit my ears. I step back from the traffic edge, expecting there to be a pile up, when two cars come screeching towards where I was stood, and stopped right in front of me.

The doors open and the boys come jumping out, with Gabe and Luke ending up on the floor from being pushed out of the car. They all come charging forwards, I take a step back and say.

"We need to sit down and you have to tell me everything, no more secrets. I can't trust you, if you don't tell me everything. The guy that just kidnapped me might be the good guy for all I know."

Here's the next part! Hope you like it!

What do you think Volto wants with Sang?

I would like to thank everyone that has voted and commented on this story, I never expected to get this many people reading it and this reaction to it! I now have 13.8k reads, 1.18k votes and 204 comments!! I would also like to thank the birds that have stuck with this from the very beginning! This is not the end, I just felt I should make my appreciation shown!!! :)

CC ;)

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