Part 49

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When Gabriel's hands move off of my eyes, I find that the naked man has now been covered, only to be blocked by Dr. Green's face seconds later checking mine over again.

"It looks like Gabe has helped the healing process, as the gash has grown smaller. Why don't we get you back to the house so I can clean it.

"Am I going to have a scar?" I ask, my finger moving up to my lip. Would they find me unattractive if a scar marred my face?

"Pookie," Dr. Green says clasping my hand between both of his. "There will be no sign of what happened, and even if there was, it wouldn't affect our feelings towards you." I bite my lip. So why didn't Gabriel mark me? Dr. Green's eyes slide shut and he looks annoyed at something. The next time he opens his eyes the annoyance is gone and the softness returns.

"Come on," he says pulling me up by my hands. Gabriel follows us up, but moves off to the side, to go to where the boys are deciding what to do with the naked man who was once a wolf. When the boys see Gabriel coming to join them, they all look up, their gazes falling onto me. I give them a small reassuring smile, and most of them relax, but the ones who led the wolf here (Nathan, Kota, and Mr Blackbourne) all still seem to be tense. Mr. Blackbourne looks to Kota and Nathan, muttering something to them. Their shoulders relax, but they look hesitant. Mr. Blackbourne nods. Kota and Nathan don't need any more encouragement as they run towards me. When he's closes enough, Nathan lists me up into the air, his head going to my neck.

"I am so sorry, Peanut, we should have..." I stop him before he can continue.

"Don't. It's not your fault, Honey. No should haves, it's in the past, and I'm not mad at you," I mumble. Nathan leans back to examine my face, and then shoves his head back into my neck.

"He won't get away with this, we'll make sure he suffers," he promises me. Suffer? Are they going to kill him?

Before I can ask him, I'm being passed to Kota and my attention is pulled to his sorrowful face.

"It was my decision to lead him here, and I'm truly sorry Sang. I didn't know you would be out here."

"Kota," I breathe. "I don't want to keep repeating it, it's not any of your faults. Please stop torturing yourself and me, by you thinking it is. It hurts me to see you guys like this," I tell him, hoping that the others are listening too.

"We're going to do something about him, don't worry."

"Are you going to kill him?" I squeak out. I see Kota exchanging a look with Dr. Green and Nathan.

"Sweetie, he hurt you, and he knows the whereabouts of where North and Luke live. You don't want him to survive do you?" he asks. I bite my lip.

"But you can't kill him," I mutter.

"Why not, Peanut?"

"Because you would be worse than him," I manage around the tears that are starting to form. I don't want to think of these gentle and kind boys who are my mates, as being killers. "We could use him, when I go and meet the masked guy," I suggest.

"You're seriously thinking about going to meet this guy, after he had us followed, Sang Baby? He's dangerous!" North bellows, storming towards our group. Kota places me back on the floor, look at me curiously.

"Sang, go on," he encourages.

"Kota!" North objects, but with a glance from Kota he stays silent.

"What was your idea?"

"I could lie, say that you beat the guy up pretty badly, and seeing you like that scared me and showed me who you really are. I pretend I left you, keeping his guard down, not expecting you to be nearby, but I have a signal of when you can come and rescue me, catching him in the process?" It comes out uncertain and as more of a question.

"How are you going to do that? He's smart, he'll know you're just saying that."

"Not if we act out a scene. I take pictures of you injuring him, looking like it's discreet."

"Why can't he be dead in the pictures?" Luke asks. I look around and see that all of the guys are now listening to me.

"He could... but I was thinking that the guy could take me, pretend to be helping me. But you show up, I fight with you hoping he's nearby, you 'leave'. When the man turns up I could even ask him to help me get me away from you. I'll leave a trail, or something..." I trail off when I realize that there are too many uncertainties. They will never agree.

"I like your idea, Miss Sorenson, and with a bit of input from us, I think we could make it work."

"But..." most of the boys start to protest.

"It's the best we've got," Kota calls over them all.

Here you go! I am so sorry for the long wait! I have exciting things going on meaning I have been rarely able to write for this book and my others. It should all be over in just under a week, and I promise then that the updates will be more regular!

What did you think?

What will happen next?

CC ;)

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