Mr. Blackbourne

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Don't worry guys, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth again! ;) I just wanted it to be perfect, and Mr. Blackbourne was hard to write with deciding what I wanted to happen, especially the end. I thought about making it Lily's team, but decided against it, having put the Ghost Bird characters through too much already.

Mr. Blackbourne and I don't manage to get some alone time for more than a month after Dr. Green marked me. He didn't seem phased at the fact that Dr. Green marked me in the back of his car, but there was a sort of tension there that wasn't there before. I don't want him to feel any expectation from me to mark me, only wanting him to do it when he's ready, and I'm sure he does to some extent, along with guilt.

I kept trying to spend time with him at the suggestion of Dr. Green or rather Sean now, but every time, at least one of the other boys is present, and I don't manage to get some time alone with him.

Such a time is now. I'm not complaining, I love all my mates dearly, and especially love when we get to spend some time together without one of them away on a mission, but one on one time is nice sometimes.

The guys are still doing missions, while I am at home continuing my schooling by work Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green got me through tutors. it allows us all to spend more time together, whenever the guys aren't working extra hard for favors. They explained it to me as a points-based system, and they were currently in debt, which they hoped the mission at the school would help with. Dr- Sean said I was prize enough which made me blush, and the others ultimately groan. I still hadn't gotten used to calling him Sean fully, currently at a hybrid between Dr. Green and Sean whenever I forget.

I didn't hear anything about the Academy, or the school, for at least a week after I shifted there. I was unsure whether there was no news, or if my mates were trying to protect me. Admittedly it was nice to have that week without having to think about it. I had repeatedly asked for news, and finally one day Kota had promised me that I was in the clear. Judging by what they didn't say, or rather their body language, they had been keeping the full extent of the ire from the Academy from me. I didn't push it, knowing that they would tell me if they felt it was needed. I had been told, however, that the school would not be bugging us again, the pupils who saw me shift either having kept quiet or had been forced to keep quiet by the Academy. Some days I hated the Academy for taking the guys, but others I felt grateful to have a seemingly powerful institution on our side.

All of my mates, include Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Sean, who are thankfully no longer my teachers, are spending the night at Nathan's. Whenever I'm not doing school work, I find myself at a loss, and luckily today I occupied my time with cooking for my mates. I'm serving up the taco soup when Mr. Blackbourne joins me in the kitchen. Even with us out of school, he's stuck with his suit and tie combo, but tonight he forwent the tie and jacket, looking the most casual I've ever seen him. He pushes his sleeves up and silently helps me with the bowls. A small smile touches my lips, liking the comfort we have around each other.

"Miss Sorenson," Mr. Blackbourne finally breaks the silence, turning to me momentarily. I still hadn't got him to call me Sang, but truth be told I hadn't tried very hard. "I was wondering if you would like to accompany me next week somewhere."

I pause spooning the mixture into the bowl, turning to Mr. Blackbourne in surprise.

"Yes," I respond, not trying to sound too eager at the prospect of alone time with him before I change my mind and don't care if he knows. "Where are we going to go?"

"I thought you might want to meet some people." He doesn't say anything else, and I don't have a response so we return to our silent work side by side. Our time is interrupted by the guys coming in, telling us how hungry they are. Mr. Blackbourne, being his usual self, doesn't say anything else as he helps me take the bowls over to the table. A bigger smile stays on my face the rest of the night as we watch a film, excited for next week and our adventure.

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