Part 48

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I feel myself start to shake, and tears begin to run down my face and mix with the trails of blood. I lift a shaking hand to my cheek and where the cut is, but it's quickly pulled down by Dr. Green.

"Don't touch it," he warns as he looks over his shoulder and the small fight which is happening around us.

"How big is it?" I stutter.

"I told you, Pookie, it's not that bad," he assures me. The blood starts to drip from my face onto my clothes. My eyes must have widened in fear because Dr. Green shares a look with Gabriel, causing Gabriel to move into action.

"Trouble, move you pretty ass forwards," he directs with a smile. I do so, allowing Gabe behind me, his legs resting either side of mine, and his arms coming around my waist pulling me back into his bare chest. The spark like feeling from the mate bond hits me all over my body, easing the pain from the gash on my cheek. He rests his chin on my shoulder. The fight seems to slow as they have been able to gain control over the wolf that attacked me. I try to see around Dr. Green but I feel Gabe tighten his hold ever so slightly, and enter my mind.

I'm sorry. He apologizes. I furrow my eyebrows, moving my attention to the mate who is with me and apologizing for something that he had no hand in.

Don't apologize; it wasn't your fault. I chastise him.

I feel responsible, we should have led them away fro- I stop him with a light smack to the arm.

Meanie, I said I don't blame you, or any of the others. You had no idea what they would do.

Fuck. I don't deserve you Sang, he mutters, turning his head into my neck. I pull a sharp breath in when I realise that none of them have marked me. As if sensing my thoughts, Gabriel's canines grow and press against the soft skin of my neck. He gently closes his mouth, just so that the canines lightly scratch my skin. Unlike earlier when the wolf dragged it's canines down my face, the feeling I get from Gabriel doing it is not pain, quite the opposite actually. I grip onto Gabriel's arms wanting him to pierce the skin and claim me as his, but instead he pulls sharply back. I let out a confused and disappointed sound, looking around. I see Rector looking at us before he moves back to helping the boys. I feel my eyebrows draw together, trying to work out what just happened. Did Mr. Blackbourne stop Gabriel, and if he did, why? The last time I thought that they didn't want me; they all reassured me that they did, but have they changed their minds after seeing all the trouble I bring. Gabriel wouldn't have scratched his canines down my neck if he didn't want to claim me though, would he?

It slowly grows quieter causing me to look around. The boys have the wolf that attacked me under control.

Mr. Blackbourne growls at the wolf on the ground, before they back off and the wolf changes into a naked man. Gabriel's hands move over my eyes, his chin falling onto the top of my head. I wait, listening to the Kota, who has shifted interrogating the wolf.

"Why aren't we going back to Luke and North's?" I ask.

"If he were to escape, we don't want him to know where they lived. The plan was to lead him into the perimeter and then away again," Gabriel lets me know quietly. I listen back into the interrogation.

"Who do you work for?" Kota asks forcefully. When he doesn't answer I hear growls and a slight scream of pain. I wonder if Gabriel covered my eyes to save me from they are doing, as well as the nakedness.

"Alright, alright," the man exclaims. It's silent for a moment longer, before the man continues. "I don't know who, but a man in a mask asked me to follow you guys. He said something about being hired to kill a girl's mother, and you're associated with this girl, and then something about him feeling responsible and guilty and wanting to protect her," he says sounding confused, as if he doesn't fully understand it. Is he talking about me? Is it the truth? I knew that the guy in the mask killed my real mother, but was he hired? Does he feel guilty and want to protect me from harm? He said when I first met him that he didn't want to hurt me. Who hired him, and why?

Here you go! I hope you liked it!

The theory about Volto is purely for this book and I had it planned for a while. I'm not sure if it has any merit with the original series, but I thought it would be fun to explore the theory. ;) What are your theories on who Volto is in the original series? I'm not sure, I keep changing my mind. :)

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