Luke's POV

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I will never forget and regret asking Gabe to help me prank 'Kota' that faithful day. It was worth it to see my best friend looking like an idiot on the back of the bike balancing the buckets of water, but it was even better to find my sweet mate. When I looked down to see this beautiful girl with blond hair and green eyes, I was lost. I faintly heard my wolf say 'mate', but I was far away in a daydream. The girl on a porch, holding a little baby in her arms. Children running around the yard. I was jolted out of the daydream by my wolf's voice.

Stop daydreaming, that's our mate. I then realised she hadn't said anything.

"Do you think she talks?" I ask Gabe. I was about to say something about her being my mate when Kota came up the stairs. Gabe asked the question I wanted to know the answer to.

"Who the fuck is this and why is she in your bed?" Kota answers through our pack link.

This is my mate Sang, she was going to run away last night.

No, she is my fucking mate. Gabe says.

No, she's mine. I say.

Is she all of ours? I mean like all nine of ours. Gabe asks.

Maybe. Kota replies.

I don't think she knows she is ours so don't tell her until we talk to Doctor Green. He says before asking Sang if she had any clothes to change into. We all went downstairs to wait for her. I sat down at the table waiting for my beautiful mate to come down. I thought about my daydream earlier with her sat on the porch, but now my brothers were in it, chasing the kids around the yard, and then when everyone was tired, I took my beautiful mate up to our room and... I was jolted out of my daydream by a kick to my leg. I saw Gabe looking at me so I turned to him and grinned. That was when Sang came to the door, she looked good enough to eat. Before I could drift off into a daydream again, Erica said something that would make me love her even more.

"I heard you like chocolate chip pancakes." I grinned. When breakfast was over Gabe invited her to our pool party we were having. She luckily agreed and said that she would meet us there.

When she arrived and came outside I introduced myself the proper way and looked to Gabe.

Throw her in the pool?

Fuck yeah! I get as a reply. We both lifted her up and count down to one.

When it was lunch and she was changing we all had a family meeting.

"OK, she obviously doesn't know about us all being mates with her, so no one will talk to her about it until we get the chance to talk to Dr Green about it. I don't want to introduce them too soon."

"Are you sure she is a shifter?"

"Yes I am sure she is like us, you should have seen her when the burger caught alight, her eyes changed to a golden yellow." North said.

"Yeah that happened last night." Kota agreed. We all heard a feminine gasp and footsteps running out of the door. Oh no we have scared my sweet little mate away. We all abruptly stood up and ran after her. When we were out of view of the road we all shifted and chased after her. When we finally caught up to her in a clearing, her wolf was stunning. We were walking quietly towards her when she ran off again. North finally was able to tackle her and we crowded around her. Kota gave her a shirt to wear and then came out from behind the tree with the shirt on, with nothing on underneath and her legs looking miles long, made me think what they would look like around me. I was knocked out of my daydream by my name being mentioned. There is never enough time for a good daydream, I always get interrupted. After we were all introduced everyone walked back to the house, and we introduced her to Mr B and Dr Green, we found out that someone was giving our perfect mate a drug and was abusing her. When it was registration and we saw the marks on her skin, I swore to protect her from any harm, ever again.

It was the Friday before school started and we were all having a sleepover at Kota's. I knew something was different that day as I could not go two seconds without having a daydream of my precious mate. So when I saw her and I could smell and feel the sparks with her, I was ecstatic. She smelled of all my daydreams rolled into one, chocolate chip cupcakes. I wanted to lick all over her body, and savor her sweet taste.

Jessica came an played with us for a bit on the Xbox. I was winning when I felt a small, delicate body edge themselves closer to me.

Gabe can't stay away from me for too long.

Kidding it was my sweet mate. I saw a hand come away from her controller and poked me in the side.

"Sang," I warned her after giggling. She did it again, so I decided to get my revenge. She laughed her sweet laugh, and the climbed onto my lap and started to trace her fingers on my side. I forgot my controller and tried to get her to stop. Her wriggling around on my lap wasn't helping either. I was just winning when she shouted through our link.

GABE! I jumped even though it wasn't aimed at me. When Jessica crossed the line Sang clambered off my lap. I had a plan, I just needed to tell Gabe. We blocked her out of our minds and planned our revenge. We both jumped up and ran after her. We let her get away and hid in a closet and planned our actual revenge. (A/N: I don't know what they are going to do yet, so if you have any ideas on what they could do then let me know.) We were interrupted though by my brother before we could finish planning. I was not going to miss my cupcake's cooking. During the weekend, I could not stop thinking about my cupcake, but yesterday something didn't feel right.

This morning when I woke up, it still didn't feel right. When cupcake arrived at school she was wearing sunglasses and wouldn't look at anyone. The first few classes went by and she wouldn't answer any of our questions. It was fourth period and I was daydreaming about cupcake when it was shattered by Victor's voice. My cupcake had collapsed and her eyes were the color of her wolf's. I sat there for a few minutes not quite understanding. When it finally kicked in I was out of my seat and the door before you could say 'chocolate chip pancakes'. I was running down the hall when Kota's voice cut through my panic. I had one destination and that was Dr Green's office. I was the last to arrive before North burst through the door with cupcake in his arms. My wolf was fighting to come out and kill the awful bitch who did this to her. Her mother. I am sure of it. I was pulled out of my anger haze when Gabe started to have a panic attack. I rushed over to him and pushed his head down between his legs. I looked up to see Dr Green trying to get to cupcake, and West not allowing anyone near. North's wolf had taken control. My cupcake was unconscious, my family was falling apart around me and I couldn't do anything. I had failed as a mate and a brother.

A/N Hiya, here is the next part. Hope you like it. It probably is a bit repetitive, but it will move along soon! Thank you to everyone that has voted, commented (I love to read the comments) and read this. I still can't believe how many people like this! Hopefully it won't be as long until the next update. I will try and do the update schedule as soon as possible. I saw this photo and thought of Luke ^^^!

CC ;)

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