Part 28

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As we are leaving Muriel calls Victor's name. He turns around, shooting her an impatient look.

"Yes?" He says.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"We're leaving this fucking crazy house." Gabe says.

"I didn't ask you." She says snapping at Gabe. My hackles rise and I step forward.

"Muriel, don't talk to my friends like that." Victor says angrily. She looks towards me and then turns around, storming off.

"What was that all about?" Nathan asks. Victor shrugs in reply.

"Where are we going?" I ask, as we leave the house. Mr Blackbourne takes out his phone.

"Well, I need Mr Morgan, Mr Lee, Mr Taylor Senior and Mr Griffin to come with me." He says.

"I hate to say it Pookie, but I have to go to the hospital." Dr Green adds.

"Uncle wants me and Silas at the diner." North says.

"Diner?" I ask.

"Yeah, our uncle is opening a diner. We're at the stage of renovating. It's the old church near Sunnyvale." He says.

"Can I help?" I ask.

"N-" North starts but is interrupted by Luke.

"Uncle would love the help." Luke says.

"Yeah, let's go and help Uncle!" Gabe says enthusiastically.


After saying goodbye to the boys, we all go our separate ways. When we arrive at the diner, there are only a couple of cars in the parking lot; a playground set is sitting near. We enter the church and see that a lot of renovating has already been done.

"Uncle?" North calls. A head pops out of a doorway. The man has North's and Luke's eyes and a silver goatee. He looks to be only a couple of inches taller than me.

"Glad you could make it. Who's the little bird?" He says looking towards me.

"Uncle, this is Sang, she's come to help." Silas says.

"We could always use another pair of hands." He says. North grunts but doesn't say anything to object. Uncle gives him a confused look then looks back t me.

"It's nice to meet you Mr Taylor." I say putting a finger up to my lower lip.

"Please, call me Uncle, all the kids do." He says smiling at me.

"So, Uncle, where do you want us to work?" Gabe asks, clapping his hands.

"Gabe, I'm glad you're here, do you think you would be able to design a mural for the entrance?"

"Sure. I'll have to paint it another day."

"What do you want to do little bird?" Uncle says turning to me.

"I don't mind." I reply.

"She could help us." Silas says.

"No!" North says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because it could be dangerous."

"What are you doing? Fighting bears?" I ask. Uncle chuckles.

"She doesn't have to use the hammer; she could just clear the debris." Silas adds.

"I'll do that if it makes you feel better North." I say, not wanting to upset him.

"Fine, but stay out of the way of the hammers." He says before walking down the hall.

"Come on then Aggele Mou." Silas says taking my hand.


Uncle went and found me some gloves and told me to take the debris out to a skip. I watched amazed at how Silas and North were able to destroy the cupboards so easily. I had been working for half an hour when Silas called me over. He had taken his shirt off about ten minutes ago, so I was distracted for a minute following the trickles of sweat running down his chest.

"Want to have a go?" He asks. I look over to North who is still working hard. I nod.

"Ok, take your gloves off and put on foot in front of the other." I do as he asks. He hands me the sledge hammer telling me to hold it with one hand in front of the other. It was heavy and I nearly drop it. He chuckles and stands behind me, putting his hands over mine. He lifts the hammer up and shows me the movement he wants me to do.

"Let the hammer do the work." He says before backing away. I lift it up and bring the hammer over and down onto the cupboard. A smash later, the top of the cupboard is broken.

"Wow!" I breathe out.

"Want to finish it?" Silas asks.

"No. You can do it." I say going to give him the hammer. He misses it and I drop it onto his foot. He exclaims something in Greek. North stops what he's doing and looks over to us.

"I'm so sorry!" I say. I feel so bad, I hurt my mate.

"Are you OK Sang baby?" North says coming over to me. I nod.

"I hurt Silas. I didn't mean to but I did." I say freaking out. Silas says something to North in Greek and he responds.

"Gabe!" North shouts. A moment later, Gabe is in the doorway. They look at each other and Gabe then smiles looking towards me.

"Come on Trouble; tell me what you think of my mural." He says coming to take my hand. I look to Silas worried.

"Don't worry Aggele Mou, I'm fine. Go with Gabe." I turn to Gabe and take his hand. He leads me out of the kitchen, and as we go I see Uncle has witnessed everything and is looking at me curiously.

Sorry it took so long to update!! Life's been hectic recently. The next one won't take as long!

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CC ;)

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