Part 5

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I'm running through the woods in my wolf form, with the boys following. I push myself to run faster. I run for a couple of minutes before I register that they aren't following me. I turn around and listen to the woods surrounding me. Nothing. I sniff the air, there is no sign that they were even with me. I can feel Melody getting nervous along with me. I ran back the way I came and kept sniffing the air to find any sign of them. I got to the edge of the woods and still no sign or smell.

Hello? Are you guys there? It's not funny! I broadcast in my mind, but I am met with silence. I change back to my human form and put the clothes on that are by the tree line. I walk up to Kota's house and look in. There is no sign that anyone was home. I was about to run to Nathan's when I hear a howl of pain. Followed by eight others. My boys! My body is in pain as I run towards the tree line and shift in mid air never stopping. I have to get to them. I follow the scent that is now in the air that wasn't there before. Blood. I burst into a clearing and see 11 men with guns standing over the still bodies of my boys in their wolf form. There are two new wolfs, a grey and white wolf and a sandy wolf. I can tell they are Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green. The hunters turn around and see me standing there. Instead of the hunters' faces, I see my mother staring back at me 11 times over. I growl at them. How dare they kill my mates. Before I can attack, they all lift their guns in sync, aim and fire.

I jolt awake sitting up abruptly. I hit heads with another person. Disorientated from my dream I start to panic. I then feel the person who I hit grab my arms and the familiar sparks shoot through my skin. I sniff the air and smell a mixture of all the boys' scents, but standing out is North's musk scent.

"Shit Sang Baby! Are you alright?"

"Sorry North, are you OK? I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No, I'm fine. I'm more worried about you; you were growling and whimpering in your sleep."

"I had a nightmare." I start shaking remembering what it was about.

"FUCKING SHIT! What was it about?" I looked around the room realising that all the boys were stood or sat round looking at me. I crawled into North's lap and opened my mind to them showing everything that happened in the dream. North's grip grew tighter when he saw them on the floor, when I got shot all the boys cursed loudly. I was shaking from reliving it over again. I stuffed my head into North's chest waiting for the boys to say something.

"SHIT!" Gabe exclaims.

"What I don't understand is how she could know yours and Dr Green's wolves, she hasn't seen them before." Kota says to Mr Blackbourne.

"I believe Mr Lee that her wolf might be aware of what our wolves look like."

"What are their names?" I ask quietly.

"Whose names?"

"Your wolves."

"Well, my wolf's name is Rector, it's Latin for leader."

"And my wolf is called Ōkami, Japanese for wolf."

"Baby, do you get them often?"



"Yeah, but I haven't had one since I moved here."

"Whenever you get one, please tell me straight away."

"Ok, I will. What time is it?"

"6.03." Kota replies.

"I better get home before my mom finds out I'm gone. I won't be able to come back today and I think it will be best to stay home tomorrow, so I'll see you on Monday, Kota are you still driving me?"

"Yep." I get passed around for hugs from them all and then make my way up the road to my house. It looks like no one is awake so I sneak in quietly up to my room.

A/N: Hiya, here is a short part until I can put more up tomorrow or the next day. Hope you liked it (sorry it is so short!). I am surprised at how many people have read and voted and commented on it, when I posted it I wasn't expecting many people to read it! So thanks for reading it and commenting and voting, it's nice to know people like it! I will post Owen and Sean's wolves later- the pictures are on my phone.

CC ;)

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