Part 51

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I am so sorry for the long wait! I am trying to finish this book, I only see one more part, and then maybe an epilogue. I also need to address them claiming her, so I may do that after finishing it as sort of one shots for all the guys. :)

I try and force the tension from me, as I act relieved that he's here. I need to relax. He's going to know something is up if I don't.

We're here Miss Sorenson. At hearing Mr. Blackbourne's voice, the tension that I was trying to get rid of, disappears.

"You've come," he says.

"Yeah. You were right when we first met. I didn't know them." He doesn't move forward, instead his eyes narrow behind his mask. I start to panic that he doesn't believe me. I have to make him, otherwise he'll leave. I summon up all the emotions I have felt during my lifetime with my stepmom and let them overwhelm me. "They were so... so vicious. I was told to keep away, but even then I could hear the cries. I went to investigate, and I couldn't see who they were hurting through all the blood. I..." I stop, remembering how Mr. Blackbourne told me to keep the explanations short.

"And how do you want me to help?"

"You said that you could stop everything. I just want them to leave me alone and I can't do that with our bond. You used a device last time to stop it..."

Good girl, you're doing a great job Pookie.

"I don't have it on me." My heart drops. It doesn't make what we want to happen impossible, but the plan that I was ready to follow is crumpling around me.

"They're never going to leave me alone. They'll never give up." Although it's false, I feel guilty talking about them like this while they are listening.

"Hm," he says. I clasp my fingers around the device that Victor gave me, trying to understand what I should do next.

Wait him out Miss Sorenson. He's testing you. I press my lips together, instead of lifting my finger to them – I don't want to seem nervous.

"I wouldn't have been able to come if I hadn't escaped them. I'm here, like you wanted, and I assumed when I saw your note earlier that you were going to help me escape them altogether," I state.

"Excuse me for a moment," he says before turning on his heel and walking into the woods. Is he running away? Have I scared him off? A couple of minutes go by, but I decide to stay where I am, trusting Mr. Blackbourne. A couple more minutes later, my waiting paid off.

"Sang!" he calls from a hiding place. I go to walk forward but he calls out again. "Stay where you are. You were right. They haven't left you alone, they're still around here." My heart starts to beat faster: has he found them? "And if what you say about not wanting them anymore is true, you won't mind me torturing them..." I press my lips together to stop a cry from leaving them. Melody howls at the prospect. I haven't heard from her for a while. It's new to both of us to have someone else to 'talk' to as we haven't for a long time.

A whimper sounds, and I immediately recognize it as Silas. I go to run forward to save him, but Silas stops me.

I'm fine aggele mou. I'm not with him.

It's part of the test, Miss Sorenson. We are not near you. He obviously has a recording from our time in the basement. Stay strong, and don't let the noises get to you.

I swallow down the pain I feel at the sound and put on a blank face for the man in the mask.

The noises continue for what feels like a lifetime, every time I have to hold back from making a noise, but eventually they all finish and the man in the mask returns.

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