Part 39

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When we enter back into where we are all sleeping, the boys are back in their respective beds. I see of them have an angry expression on their faces. I bit my lip. Are they angry at me? I ignore them as I pick my way through to get to my own bed. I stuff my feet into the sleeping bag, and fall backwards. I turn onto my side and see Gabe looking at me. His angry expression warms as he extends his hand again. A small smile comes onto my face as I reach out and take it.

"You're not mad at us, are you?" Gabe asks quietly. I shake my head.

"Are you all angry at me?" I ask. His face turns to one of shock and then confusion.

"No. Why would we be?" He asks.

"You all looked angry when I came back in." I explain.

"Oh." Gabe replies, blushing and looking away. "We all saw you and North." He admits. I blush along with him.  "We shouldn't really be angry, as you are all of our mates, but it still hurts to see you with someone else." I make a mental note to remember to block them all out next time.


I wake the next morning to the smell of breakfast. I sit up and look around, seeing that all the boys are already up and raring to go. I receive good mornings from all the boys when they notice that I am up. Luke walks off into the kitchen, and when he comes back he has a plate of eggs in his hands. He passes it to me, winking.

"Don't tell North." He whispers quietly. I look over to North and see that he's acting as if he didn't hear Luke. I look down at the plate, to see what I have to keep secret, and see that Luke has added a chocolate chip pancake. I smile up at Luke, thanking him. After I have devoured all the food on the plate, and got dressed, I ask the boys what the plan for today is.

"We are trying to figure out what needs to be done, for us to be able to return to our homes, but in the mean time we should really get to school. A boy will be with you at all times. You will not be out of our sights." Mr Blackbourne says to me, reassuringly, but I can tell he is also commanding the boys. I see that they are all nodding at what he is saying.

"What about Marie? Won't she say something?" I ask. Mr Blackbourne allows a small smile onto his lips for a second before it is gone.

"We will deal with her. She will not be talking to your step mother about you." Dr Green reassures. Kota looks to his watch.

"I think it's time we leave." He comments. Victor walks over to me, taking me hand and squeezing it.

"We're here for you." He tells me.

Sorry it's so short and for the long wait!!! Hope you liked it!

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CC ;)

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