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It's the day before the big camp trip which was the catalyst for the markings to take place in the first place, and the closer we have come to it, the more concerned, and worried I am about it. That's partly due to the guys being so uptight about it. The more I hear about it, and the importance of me being introduced to the Academy and in the right way, the more I start to worry about being taken from the guys, or not being accepted by them.

I've started to have nightmares again, and the day after the nightmares started, North shouted at everyone for causing the nightmare. I was more concerned with the guys thinking it was their fault than the actual nightmare at that moment. I doubt that North was intending me to be distracted that way, but it worked.

Since I've noticed a change in their behavior. They've started to keep me occupied, never leaving my side. At one point I thought North was going to follow me into the bathrooms at school. I would have let him if he really wanted to, because I know they're just as worried about it, as I am, and that's why they're sticking to my side like glue. They like the comfort it gives them, just as much as I do, even though they won't admit. I've noticed Dr. Green spending a lot more time around me, and I've been roped into helping him at the hospital on a couple of his shifts. It mostly consisted me of being his sleep buddy on any breaks he had. They were few and far between so if it meant he would sleep, I would sleep with him anytime, anywhere.Another mission has split the boys, and I've spent some well needed time with my big friendly giant.

I almost fell into his arms when North dropped me off with a promise to be back for me by the time I need to sleep. I had had a particularly bad nightmare the night before, so I needed one of Silas' big warm hugs.

I have my feet up on his lap, a plate of Gyros in my hands. I've found out that I love Greek food, with the countless trips I've taken here and the countless different items of food in the fridge. I have both of my marks on my neck uncovered, and it feels good to just be able to relax with one of my mates, without the worry of someone seeing the better shade of makeup covering my neck on both sides. I didn't like covering them. It felt like I was covering a part of my soul.

I had gotten used to the feeling that the marks brought, with the touch of my mates on them, especially Kota's and Victor's. I had been fearful of how the guys, or Kota, would react to find out that Victor had marked me as well, but they all just seemed disappointed in it not being them next. That was the only jealousy that I knew of.

Whenever I feel like one of the other boys are going to mark me, I'm always proven wrong. They'll get close and then something gets in the way, like another of them, or they'll pull back as if nothing happened.

I want to meet Silas' eyes but they're fixed on Kota's mark, his food on the plate forgotten. I nudge him with one of my feet, a hand going subconsciously up to the mark. The mark sings at my own touch, and Silas lets out a low growl, muttering in Greek.

His eyes fly up to mine, and I bite my lip. I expect him to move toward me, but he just returns to his food, moving in the seat, causing my feet to move more toward his knee.Once we've finished our food, he takes my plate from me and moves to the kitchen.I follow after him. I lean against the counter, watching him wash the plates. He tries to move past me, to put a plate away but the small kitchen means that we both can't stand without getting in each other's way. He chuckles, facing me before he places his hands on my hips and lifts me easily onto the counter.

"There, problem solved," he says as he moves past me to the cupboard he wanted to get to.

When Silas has turned the tap off,, he moves toward me, placing his hands on either side of my legs, leaning on them. His face looms in front of mine, a grin stretching it.

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