North's POV (Part 2)

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I watch as Marie's face changes color, to a dark shade of red, and then slowly changing to purple. She brings her arms up trying to pry my hand off.

"Hey, bro, that's enough you're going to kill her." I hear Luke say. I want to loosen my hold, but West won't let me.

"West, leave her." Mr Blackbourne says forcefully. I hear it, but West ignores him. Marie is just a person getting in the way of Sang baby, our mate. I feel hands trying to stop me, but West just growls and carries on. I try and take back control but West is too strong for me. Marie slumps in our hold and West finally drops her and gives me control back, he is pleased with himself, knowing that he caused damage to her. A small part of me agrees with him, but I didn't want to kill her. Not yet. I wanted answers from her, first. Dr Green rushes forward and bends down, checking that she still has a pulse. He sighs in relief and gets back up.

"She's alive."

"OK, everyone split up. Search this house from top to bottom. I don't want to see a room untouched." Mr Blackbourne commands. We all nod and start to walk different ways. I decide to go up the stairs. I sniff the air and go to the room, that smells the strongest of Sang, her scent for me is unique, it is fruity and a slight undertone of diesel. I walk in and see that it is simple, and only the necessary furniture. Unfortunately I don't see Sang, but I wasn't expecting to. I just needed to smell her scent. I see a small door, and am curious. I open it and see a attic space. I crawl in and look around. At the end is a ledge that smells like Sang has sat there before. Is this the place that she comes to hide? It doesn't look very comfortable, I don't know if I would be able to fit on the ledge. I hear a shout and crashing downstairs and I jump, hitting my head on the beam.

"Shit!" I exclaim. I back up, as quickly as I can, trying to get out. When I finally get out, I stand up and run downstairs. I run into the living room and see that Sang's step mom has entered, with 3 of my brothers facing her, with angry looks on their faces. Nathan has shifted and is growling. I walk towards Gabe, Kota and Silas.

"Where is she?" Kota asks calmly, but I can see he is holding back. The others rush into the room.

"She was picked up by a boy." She says.

"Where the fuck is she? Don't fucking lie to us." Gabe shouts. I slowly walk back towards the door and listen to the house. I hear the slight breeze outside, Marie breathing and then another breathing sound. I listen more closely and realise that it's Sang. I clench my jaw and try and find where it is coming from. It sounds like it is below us.

"Luke. She's in the basement." I say looking at him. He nods slightly and walks out of the room. He can get her out quietly and quickly. I keep an eye on what Luke is doing while the others keep her step mom occupied. I watch as he walks down a set of stairs and into a basement. He looks around and he sees Sang unconscious, he goes to walk towards her but just then his vision goes black. It felt like he was hit on the back of his head. I jolt out of his head, before rushing out of the room and down the stairs to the basement. I hear shouts of complaint from the bitch but ignore her. I enter cautiously and check every corner, I can't see anyone. I run towards Sang, confused, she has silver chains around her ankles and wrists. I feel someone come up behind me and I spin around throwing my fist out in front of me. Luckily Victor stops my fist before it hits him.

"Luke was knocked out, there is someone near." I say, making sure they can't hear us. The others are stood behind Victor, and they nod in understanding. As soon as I said it, someone walks out from the shadows by the stairs. We must have missed them when we came rushing down.

"What are you doing here?" Nathan asks. They don't reply but they throw down something making gas fill the room. I start to feel unstable on my feet and just as I fall towards the floor, the room goes black.

Here you go! Hope you liked it! :) The next part will go back to Sang's POV.

Who do you think they saw before they were knocked out? I'll dedicate the next part to the first person to get it right.

What did you think?

What will happen next?

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CC ;)

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